Chapter 5

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~Laxus POV~

I woke up feeling content, which is weird for me but I know why I feel like this. Lucy is finally mine. I smile at the thought and sit up. I stretch and then stand up. I walk out of my room then slightly open Lucy's door to see if she was awake, only to quickly shut it right after.

Oh god I hope she didn't see me. I quickly turn around and head back to my room with a major blush on my face. She- she was only in a towel. That was so hot. Oh crap, if she saw me peek in there she is going to kill me!

I head to my bag and grab some clothes. I quickly put them on and walk out of my room and head to the couch. I sit down and wait for her.

I see her walk out of her room in a yellow tank top and black shorts. My favorite colors. She walks over to me and stops right in front of me. She puts her hands on her hips. "Something you wanna say?" She asks with a pointed look. I blush and look away. "I-I umm... I accidentally saw you in just a towel when I went to check if you were sleeping." I mutter. She giggles and kisses my cheek. "It's fine. Just don't do it again or else it will be the last thing you will see." The fact that she said that with a sweet voice and smile on her face with a very dark aura around her made even me frightened. She can be pretty scary.

I quickly nod and she turns around then walks into the kitchen. I stand up and follow after her, when i get into the kitchen I see her grab her keys and look back at me. "Wanna go out for some breakfast?" She asks with a smile. I smile back and nod. "You payin'?" I tease. She giggles and nods. I shake my head. "Maybe next time Blondie, I was only teasing. We just started dating, which means I'm going to be the first one to buy us food when we go out." I declare with a smirk.

She rolls her eyes and giggles, then walks out of the kitchen as I follow her. We are on our way to a resturant when I see those Sabertooth bastards again. Mainly Sting, that flirty little runt.

I can see that they spotted us as Sting runs over..... Right into Lucy... I growl as he hugs her and I see her giggle and hug back. I growl a little louder and she looks at me. She pulls away from Sting and walks over to me. I wrap my arms around her and glare at Sting.

Sting looks at Lucy with a pout. "Don't touch my Blondie." I growl at him. I see him flinch at my words and quickly nod. Lucy smacks my arm lightly. "Don't be do mean to Stingy-Bee." She pouts up at me. I look away as a small blush appears on my face. She is so cute. "Well I don't like him having his hands all over you." I mumble.

I hear her sigh. "It was only a hug." She grumbles. I was about to say something back but got interrupted by Sting clearing his throat. "You know, it's getting late, and we have a train to catch... So we're just gonna gooo.." He trails off as he starts to walk away with the other Sabers.

After we have our breakfast, we head back to the hotel to pack. After that, we head to the train station and get on the train. After a long ride, we make it to Magnolia and get off the train. We head to her house first since it is closest and drop off her stuff.

We were heading to the guild after we dropped my stuff off at my house, my arm draped over her shoulder. "Do you want to tell them, or should I?" Lucy suddenly asks. I look down at her "what do you mean?" She looks up at me. "Do you want to tell the guild about us dating?" She asks again. I smirk as an idea pops into my head. "Sure." I smile at her.

We make it to the guild and I take my arm away. I push open the doors to see almost everyone there, except the pyro and his cat. We walk over to the bar where Gramps was talking to Mira. "Hey Gramps." I say once we are in front of him. He looks up at me. "Laxus my boy! Welcome back!" He grins. "You're here early." He continues. I nod and explain what happened. He chuckles. "Also, we have an announcement to make." Lucy says with a smile. Gramps looks kind of confused but nods.

We head up to the second floor and Gramps yells at everyone, now all eyes are on us. Looks like it's time. Lucy looks up at me expectantly. When I didn't say anything, she sighs and speaks, "Well, umm how do I put this... Laxus-" I cut her off as I pull her into a deep passionate kiss. I hear many gasps then the guild erupted into cheers.

I pull away to see a blushing Lucy in my arms. "I told you I would tell them." I chuckle. She giggles as well. I hear a loud squeal of 'Blond babies!' from the bar. I roll my eyes when I hear Gramps sniffling and saying 'Finally, I will have some grand babies.' I grab Lucy's hand and we walk down the stairs. We stop at the bar and she smiles up at me. She puts her arms around my neck and pulls me down for another kiss.

"What the hell?!" Yells an angry Natsu standing at the guild doors.


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