Chapter 11

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Ayy guess what? This chapter is longer than my normal ones so I hope you enjoy. Or at least try, heh.. Aaaannyways,  I wanna try my best to update these as soon as possible! Onto the story!

Lucy stands up -albeit a little wobbly- and stared at Laxus in shock as he slowly storms towards them, Sting standing up quickly as well and stepping in front of her. "You son of a bitch!" Laxus yells as he raises a fist at Sting and punches him clear across the face.

Lucy gasps as Sting goes flying and grabs Laxus' arm when he starts to stalk towards the younger slayer. "Laxus stop! What's wrong with you?!" She yells as she pulls on his arm.
Laxus whips his head towards her with a scowl.

"You're not any better! I never thought you'd go and cheat on me! God, how the hell did I even fall in love with someone as dirty as you?!" He growls and pulls his arm away from her and starts to walk over to the now arising White Dragon.

Sting puts on his own scowl and dodges the next punch Laxus threw at him. "Cheating? She never cheated on you!" Sting shouts and groans in pain as Laxus hits him in the stomach.

Laxus grabs Sting by the wrist and throws him to a nearby tree. "Don't you lie to me! I saw you two kissing!" Angry tears come to his eyes and he clenches his fists.

Sting coughs and gets back up. He charges towards Laxus and sends a punch straight to his face, causing Laxus to fall to the ground with a grunt. "We weren't kissing you idiot!"

"It sure as hell looked like it!" Laxus sends a lightning bolt straight at Sting, growling as it just misses him.

Lucy makes her way over and leans against a tree. "Laxus please! I would never cheat on you! We weren't kissing I promise!" She cries as the two slayers continue to fight.

Laxus yells as he charges at Sting with a lightning covered fist, punching him straight in the side. "Stop with all of these lies! You were with him the whole time I was gone, weren't you?!"

Sting shouts in pain as electricity shoots through is body. He pants heavily as he stands back up. "It.. it was only a kiss on the cheek Laxus, she would never cheat on you!" Sting groans out and rushes at Laxus, placing his hand on his stomach and creating a small magic circle on the lightning slayer.

"What the hell? I can't move!" Laxus shouts as he continues struggling in place.

Sting holds his side and stares at the unmoving man. "It's my White Dragon's Claw attack, it leaves a stigma on my opponent once the attack hits them. It leaves you paralyzed until I release you from it." He explains.

Laxus shouts as he tries to move his body. "You better let me go or you'll regret it!" He glares at Sting.

Lucy walks over to Laxus while holding her stomach. She stands in front of him with tears streaming down her face. "Laxus, how could you think that I would ever cheat on you? I loved you before we even met Sting! How could I just lose feelings for you and go off with him even though it's your child inside of my stomach. You're the man I love, not Sting. He's only a friend and he accepts that."

Laxus stares at her, completely speechless. "B-But, I saw-"

"You saw wrong! It was a friendly kiss on the cheek just like I do with Freed!" She shouts angrily as she clenches her fists.

Laxus whimpers slightly as he watches the love of his life cry, shame written all over his face. "Lucy, I-I'm so sorry.."

Sting cancels his spell and watches as Laxus falls to his knees. He stares down at him, a snarl curling at his upper lip. "You should believe your future wife when she tells you something instead of overreacting like that. She could have gotten seriously hurt."

Laxus trembles as he clenches his fists. "I know, I was so stupid. I just.. I love her so much that I couldn't bare seeing her with another man like that. I'm so sorry, both of you." He looks up at the two blondes.

Lucy lets out a shaky breath before walking over to Laxus and wrapping her arms around him. "It's alright Laxus, I forgive you. I'm sorry you saw us at an angle that looked like we were doing something that we weren't."

Laxus was about to reply when both he and Sting tensed up. He glances up at Sting and said blonde nods in return. Laxus lifts Lucy up bridal-style and clutches her close to him. She looks up at him questioningly. "There are mages nearby and they don't seem to be friendly ones." Laxus explains as he walks over to stand beside Sting. "You good to fight?"

Sting nods. "I can take a lot more than what you hit me with." He grins and gets into a fighting stance as the mages come closer.

They come out from behind some trees and spot the trio. "Well well well," one of them said, "what do we have here? Two beat up punks and a pregnant woman? This should be easy." He cackles and notices the mark on Sting's shoulder and one on Lucy's hand. "You're from guilds huh? Seems like different ones as well. Pretty strong guilds I suppose but looking at you guys you don't seem like much of a challenge."

Sting growls. "I doubt you should be saying that! Do you have any idea who I am?" When the other mages laugh at him his fists light up with magic. "I'm Sabertooth's master! And I won't let you laugh at the likes of us!"

Their eyes widen. "C-Crap! Boss, that's Sting Eucliffe, the white dragon slayer!" One of the members panic.

Sting charges at them with a shout and starts to fight them.

"L-Laxus, what do we do?" Lucy whimpers, "You have to go help Sting fight."

"I can't leave you here alone!" Laxus says as he tighten his hold on her. "You can't even use magic because of your pregnancy!"

She smiles at him softly. "I know that you'll protect me, so I'm not scared. Please, go help him." She kisses him softly.

Laxus sighs and places her beside a tree. "Be safe." He charges off to go help Sting fight.

Lucy watches with trembling hands as all the mages exchange blows between each other. How did it come to this? She was having the time of her life not too long ago, and then all of a sudden Laxus came and started fighting with Sting and now their fighting other mages. Deep down she knew this was her fault, that she's the reason that Sting and Laxus were fighting. 'If only I didn't kiss his cheek, such a small act of thanks caused so much trouble. I'll have to make it up to them somehow.' She glances up from the ground to see that there was one Mage left. She smiles as she realizes that Laxus and Sting won and closes her eyes in relief.

Laxus' growls when the mage shoots and ice dagger at him but misses completely. He shoots a strong burst of lightning straight at the man, causing him the scream in pain and fall to the ground. "Well that takes care of that, good work, Light Bulb." Laxus smirks at Sting but it soon fades away when he looks at the other male and sees that his eyes are wide and he's trembling slightly as tears are welling up in his eyes. Laxus furrows his eyebrows when Sting whimpers his name quietly. Laxus looks to where Sting is looking and his own eye widen and his blood runs cold. There, falling to her knees was Lucy, her brown orbs wide as the ice dagger that missed him was sticking out of her stomach, blood dripping onto the ground from it almost as if it was slow motion.

"Laxus.." Laxus trembles as he hears the barest whisper of his name coming from the blonde that fell onto the ground.


Well, that update came quick huh. Feeling pretty crappy about writing this chapter but y'know. Stay alert for the next chapter that is hopefully soon to come!

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