Chapter 8: A mistake

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Summary: Scaramouche is obviously satisfied to see that you are now officially his and his alone, but you disobey him. He'll just have to guarantee that doesn't happen again even if it hurts you. Not that hurting you would be a problem



You mumbled against his lips and Scaramouche ignored your pleas, licking your lips as a request for entry. You denied him and wrapped your legs around his waist which he allowed, letting go of your wrist that he held with one hand. He let you wrap your arms around his neck and hummed in delight to your compliance.

"Mmmph... open," he moaned against your lips, taking a moment to catch his breath. "Archons you're fucking useless, I said open your mouth brat..." You brought his lips back to yours and moved your hands to hold the sides of his face. The taste of wine still lingering as he allowed his tongue to explore the inside of your mouth. Scaramouche moaned into your mouth when you moved a hand to grasp a handful of his hair where it was longer and gave a tug. A feeling of pleasure spread throughout his body at the action. You couldn't explain it, but perhaps the wine was making you both act this way. Act so hungry and desperate for each other. You were supposed to hate the man, he was making your life a living hell. Scaramouche pulled away from your mouth, a strand of salvia connecting your lips together.

You let out a gasp when he moved to your neck, coating it with kisses and slight nibbles here and there. Breathless warm whispers of "Mine," and "Finally," met your skin and you allowed him to reach under your dress and grasp your ass with both hands, picking you both up off the table. "Give me a second," Scaramouche whispered onto your lips as he gazed lustfully into your eyes, lips parted.

Sacramouche fell back onto the chair carrying you with him. His eyes never left yours and you both held each other while on the seat. You were sitting on his lap, a rather interesting position to be in for you two considering the lustful hate that was exchanged. A silence somewhat falling as you both examined each other's faces up close. His eyes were going all over your face, moving to your lips and back to your eyes.

You spoke first in a harsh whisper
"I hate you,"

"I know. Likewise."

"You're a fucking monster for what you did..."

Scaramouche chuckled lightly and tilted his head slightly at you, his hair softly falling around his face.

"I know."

You moved slightly in the somewhat awkward position of you sitting on his lap, both your legs on either side of his. Scaramouche's thumbs were both running slow circles on your behind as he held you not planning to remove them anytime soon. Your movement was grinding your lower regions on his and he closed his eyes and took a deep breath through his nose. "Stop moving like that bitch, you know what you're doing." A bulge was growing underneath you and it didn't take a genius to figure out that Scaramouche was in the mood.

You did the same movement and he bucked his hips into yours desperately and hissed "I said stop."

The scowl on his face was enough to tell you that he wouldn't be afraid to shock you if you continued so you stopped with a pout. Scaramouche wouldn't lie at the moment, but he would never actually tell you that he was hard the moment you slapped him. There was just something about you trying to overpower him, it was almost as intoxicating as him overpowering you. It wasn't the first time you boldly challenged him and Scaramouche prayed it wouldn't be the last. There was so many games to be played with you, so many to win.

"Damn it all," Scaramouche cursed with a low breathe. "Dont just fucking sit there, do something." He blamed the feeling of desire on the wine, perhaps you both just had too much to drink as you were delighted to reciprocate.

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