Chapter 9: A moment of weakness

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Summary: Scaramouche doesn't like how you disobeyed him, you expect him to punish you. The Harbinger even promises to, When he will strike you don't know

Scaramouche was glaring at you whenever Su had her back facing you two. His finger was constantly tapping the armrest of the sofa with a scowl, you were trying to look anywhere but at him. The only distance you had was the coffee table between the two sofas. "Look at me!" He hissed

You flinched and tried to look anywhere else, pretending to be interested in the furniture that you grew up with "I said look at me Y/N, you don't want to anger me any further right now. Trust me."

Looking up you met his dark eyes and hesitated to, he was pretty pissed at your disobedience. It probably didn't help that he knew you took advantage of his tired state, fooling him. Scaramouche was trying his best not to harm everyone in the room, he had to keep telling himself he was a patient man. He would not kill the both of you now, all his work this past week would go to waste if he did.

"I'm sorry... I just- you understand don't you?" You whispered and tried to plea with the Harbinger who's finger stopped tapping the armrest. He shrugged and turned to look at Su "No I don't, because I'm not stupid like you. I have no loved ones and even if I did I wouldn't place them in this situation." Loved ones were a weakness, your situation was proof of that.

"I'll do anything you want! Anything!" You loudly whispered and leaned over to place a hand on the coffee table, the other on your chest. This quickly caught the man's attention and he arched a brow, leaning over to the coffee table as well and whispered harshly "Anything?"

His hand was now placed on top on yours and Scaramouche waited for your answer. You didn't get to as Su's footsteps were approaching and Scaramouche pulled away immediately, a fake smile immediately coming onto his face.

When Su had placed the tea set onto the coffee table she smiled and clapped her hands together "Oh look! All together to talk and I had my special tea!"

Scaramouche gave a kind chuckle before turning to look at you "Yes, let us... talk." He drawled and reached for a teacup, blowing the steam away and never letting his eyes leave yours. Su sat down next to you on the opposite sofa of Scaramouche and placed a hand on your shoulder. "You know even if you are my dear's boss you two seem to be quite close?" She started "Is it a no longer professional relationship?"

"Su!" You shouted and she giggled, Scaramouche's face was a little too serious at the question before smiling a big smile and laughing himself. It was so fake it made you cringe, but you couldn't blame Su for falling for this version of him. You did, Changhu did, everyone did. But not everyone who did got away to tell the tale. Before Scaramouche could respond Su cut him off "Because if you two are to marry I need some grandkids before I pass! You two would make such beautiful children!"

You slouched into the seat and Scaramouche froze, he fucking hated children. "I'm afraid to tell you that we are not in a relationship Ms. Su, marriage is something I cannot do anyway. There is no time for it."

The words that left his lips wasn't exactly a lie. If the harbinger was going to marry, although he wouldn't. There would be absolutely no way to sustain one, not like he cared. Love was a waste of time and effort.

"Ah I see, I'm sorry if I made it awkward then, how is your tea Mr. Scaramouche? Would you like some sugar?" Su asked and lifted up the bowl of the sweet cubes

"Just Scaramouche is fine," he smiled that fake smile again. "Also no thank you, I'm not a sweets person."

Su nodded and offered the plate to you, you added some to your tea with hesitation feeling Scaramouche's glare on you still. There was a awkward silence in the air as the three of you sat within the room. Although the Harbinger smiled while drinking his tea, there was no kindness behind it. "So..." he began removing the teacup from his still smiling lips "Su our dear Y/N wanted to talk to you so so very.... badly~"

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