Chapter 33: Endless Sea

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Summary: You're a little nervous with how things will go with Inuzuma and Scaramouche can tell. But he tries to reassure you he will help

Also that request you put in before the voyage... is a little surprise for Scaramouche


The waves that rocked the ship gently on sea made your stomach slightly woozy. You weren't at all sea sick but it was enough to make you feel off if the boat rocked too hard.

You held onto the side of boat and watched as water zoomed by you until it was a whole other part of the sea. Wondering how far you could possibly be from Liyue already

Far enough you guessed

"There you are," Scaramouche started and you turned your head to see him walking up to you "How are you feeling hm?" He questioned and wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you against him gently. His smile small but loving

"I am feeling alright Scara...." You spoke lowly and looked back out at sea. Scaramouche narrowed his brows and lost his small smile while looking at your change of expression

"There's something on your mind Y/N, what's wrong?"


"You're scared aren't you?" He stated and sighed through his nose, you nodded barely enough for him to notice "That's alright. You're going to a whole new nation without much knowledge about it. I have only informed you so much about it. I apologize."

You leaned your head below his chin and continued to look at the sea that seemed endless yet passed by all at once. Your heart picked up but you weren't exactly sure why. Were you getting dizzy?

"Don't apologize Scara, I'm sure I'll adapt to it eventually." You lowered your hand to his until it gently grazed his fingers, picking up on your request Scaramouche grabbed it. Holding it while giving a small reassuring squeeze "Just teach me along the way?"

With a hum Scaramouche closed his eyes, memories of him teaching you small things about his culture and homeland flashing through his head. How you were so eager for him to do so.... How annoyed he was to teach....And now you were his wife. And he was eager to show and teach you anything you wanted

"Absolutely, I wouldn't have it any other way." He mumbled and the two of you stood there on the deck of the ship while the sea breeze passed by. The transparent cloth on his hat, mushi no tareginu, swayed gently. So did the bells that hung nearby but not hard enough for them ring.

You closed your eyes while relaxing against him and savored the moment of him being so gentle. It wasn't often he was willing to do so, especially in public where those many see.

"Are you hungry?" Scaramouche whispered and you nodded against his chest.

"A little, are you?" You asked and opened your eyes once more. He pulled away and nodded himself and began to walk away with your hand held in his. Until a voice broke your small moment

"Sir we need you at the front. There is discussion about what must be done in Inuzuma." A lower rank Fatui appeared behind him and bowed before glancing at you. "I apologize my lady, but we do require the lord's assistance."

"Seriously?" Scaramouche asked and raised a brow with a frown "Can I not get a second of peace with my wife? Is that so fucking much to ask for?"

The lower rank bowed his head in a panic, eyes wide in a panic. "I-I apologize my lord! Please forgive me! But we need you!" If you focused your attention on him you would notice the small shakes he had. Scaramouche truly did have a effect on many of the lower ranks

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