Chapter 15: Still jumping to conclusions?

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Summary: Scaramouche is rather surprised at your question, interested at how you came to that conclusion. But you are correct, the title transfer was never complete. So being "A Harbinger of his word" Scaramouche finally lets you go into freedom

Will it last long however?

Pssst also I hope y'all missed Childe

btw it's so hard to find photos of scaramouche to put at the start of the chapter lmao

Perhaps it was the way Scaramouche was eyeing you while leaning on his hands awaiting your answer, or perhaps it was the fact that you couldn't hold eye contact. But the silence that filled the room was loud.... VERY LOUD

"How I..."

He raised his brows at your fake cluelessness with him "Yes, how you came to this conclusion. How or rightfully WHO told you this? I didn't, Childe didn't."

You pursed your lips and crossed your arms to try to look confident in return "No one told me anything Scara, I figured this out on my own."

"Mhmmm," Scaramouche hummed to himself and pushed back to lean on his chair across the desk from you "You always were a terrible liar with me Y/N, maybe you could pull it off with everyone else and Changhu." He clicked his tongue at you, eyes narrowing dangerously and suspiciously "But not me."

Scaramouche's fingers danced on the desk's surface, every tap of his fingers became harder and harder as he sneered at your quivering form "So cut the fucking shit,I'll tell you what...." He stood from his seat and slowly dragged his finger across the desk similarly to when he did at your first dinner, until he came to a stop behind you. You hadn't noticed your leg bouncing had stopped out of fear but the now dangerous Harbinger behind you sure did, he smirked at it. Before you could jump out the chair Scaramouche wrapped his arms around you from behind, holding you still. The slight resistance you gave at the action was of no use as he only budged slightly, jingles rang out into the room.

His silence is what mostly made you fearful, he only did this in either bad situation. When he was thinking or when he was pissed. Neither exactly worked out for you, only breathing filled the air and carried on for what felt like horribly long dreadful hours

Eventually Scaramouche hummed to himself and leaned his chin on your head, one his thumbs began to rub those damn circles on your arm as he held you from behind. "What am I to do with you Y/N? I thought we were finally getting along in a way. And yet here you are..." suddenly his hand shot up to squish your cheeks harshly with a vice grip, you made a sound of discomfort. "Fucking lying to me again. Why protect someone else's life over yours?"

"Let go Scaramouche!" You started to thrash and kick but the Harbinger refused to budge "Just tell me who informed you of this Y/N!"

"No one did!" Another failed attempt of freedom, his grip was only tightening in frustration

"STOP LYING TO ME FOR ONCE!" Scaramouche sneered and raised his voice. It was then you felt the ticklish tingles of electro and you panicked, biting down on his hand and he yelled in pain. It was just enough for you to catch him by surprise shooting out of his grip and off the chair to the other side of the desk away from him. The Harbinger yanked his hand to examine it and looked at the marking you gave him, teeth marking indented into his skin. His eyes widened in surprise before they once more landed on you. Scaramouche was surprised you had once more challenged him, tried his patience. And you had fucking bit him.

It was then he came to the conclusion that he had been too patient with you... too lenient and kind. The process of breaking you had been ruined, your fire burned once more against him instead of for him. He wouldn't have it

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