Chapter 35: Negligence

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Summary: You and Scaramouche have some time to talk about his name and how he received it despite his dislike towards it.

However he finds that talking about things with you, someone he trusts isn't all that bad

"S-Scara!" You exclaimed and practically crushed the scroll with how quickly you tried to roll it up. Scaramouche's eyes landed on the scroll and he sighed deeply before walking up to you to snatch it out your hands. You could wrinkle the damn thing being so careless with it

"At least roll it up correctly, we still need this remember?" He asked mockingly and with ease rolled it up as it was supposed to be. Then he held his hand out and made a gesture for you to hand something over

"The ribbon." He stated after you blinked in confusion in response to the gesture. "I need it Y/N."

"Right." You answered and gently handed it over so he could properly tie the seal once more. Once it was done he walked past you to return it back to the original spot upon the cabinet and sighed while returning his arms to his side. He kept his back facing you

"Why were you messing with it?" Scaramouche asked calmly and you hesitated with your answer.

"Could I not have looked at our own wedding contract?" You answered with another question and Scaramouche smacked his lips in response. It wasn't wrong for you to, but he wished you didn't. After all he knew what answer you were digging for.... Why not just ask him yourself? Was he still so unapproachable to you?

"Of course you could have," he started and finally turned towards you "But why? There's clearly a reason you wanted to. There would be no other reason for you to do so otherwise, also remember that lying won't work."

You looked towards the ground "Can we discuss it in the tub? I'm still covered in your cum and you're still naked".

He sighed "I guess so. Don't think I'll forget either. Now come here." Holding out his hand Scaramouche gestured with his head to the restroom "It's my fault for taking so long anyway."


The water was warm, soothing to the skin. The tub was surprisingly wide and you both lay together while the water relaxed Scaramouche's somewhat stiff shoulders. His chest rose and fell ever so softly with each breath he took.

You on the other hand were biting your tongue and hoping that Scaramouche wouldn't actually ask why you were snooping around behind his back. Technically it wasn't, but he would take it that way

However he was planning on discussing it with you at this very moment. Scaramouche didn't need to ask why you were looking it. He knew your curiosity always got the better of you, it was obvious you wanted to see his signature. You wanted to see his name.

Did that bother the Harbinger? Not exactly, but he wished you would have just asked him yourself. After all you two were married. There had to be some level of trust

Blinking you adjusted your head on his chest resulting with him humming, "So" he began and you gulped "You saw it didn't you?"

You nodded and he sighed deeply. For a moment the only sound was the water moving around both of your bodies as you adjusted yourself. Then the next question left your lips rather than his

"It's your birth name isn't it?"

This time he nodded

"Scara how come you never told me? Why did you hide it?"

Scaramouche adjusted his shoulders and peered down at you, the water moving around with his movement. "I'm not exactly too fond of it. Lets say the person who gave it to me isn't on my good list, but hearing it from your lips was.... Different. Nice."

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