Chapter 17: Stockholm Syndrome||NSFW

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Summary: Scaramouche wants to have you once more so you allow him despite the situation that took moments ago.

But then the question arises, why do you allow him to do so?

⚠️NSFW (again yes)⚠️

"What is it now Y/N?" Scaramouche had stopped his movements against you, waiting for your answer.

It was a good question, you didn't think he would stop for you. "My body still aches from the night before."

That made the Harbinger arch a brow at you "I see," to your complete surprise he pulled away from your body and sighed. Placing a finger under his chin in thought "I forgot you told me you were hurting. I apologize."

And now he was apologizing? This was out of character for him

"But truthfully I don't care." He stated and shrugged before returning his eyes onto your form "I would like your consent this time, but it doesn't matter either way."

Ah there he was, the Scaramouche you knew so well. He watched you and moved to sit next to you on the desk, leaning backwards with his elbows. Brow raised he waited for your answer "So?"

You sighed and wanted to roll your eyes at the man. "Why are you asking if you said it doesn't matter?"

Scaramouche smirked and leaned his head to the side "Why not? It would be more comforting if you'd agreed I guess."

Damn that cocky aggravating attitude of his "Let's just get it over with okay? I'm not looking forward to-"

"Oh shush Y/N." Scaramouche snapped and grabbed your cheeks between his fingers "I'll make you feel good again so stop complaining about the after effects and try to enjoy now."

Before you knew it he had stripped off your clothing slowly and leaving trails with his fingertips along your naked body. The way his eyes lit up when you were bare was always so new yet expected in a way. You could hear Scaramouche whispering things in his native language but you couldn't tell if they were towards you or just for himself. Considering you didn't understand you assumed it was for himself

"Before I flip you over let me see," he mumbled finally once more in a language you could understand.

"See what?" You asked and moved your thigh away at his ticklish light touches, he moved his fingertips so gracefully on your skin

"Mmm this of course." His eyes stopped at the marking of your hip, licking his chapped lips he wanted to add another marking on your body. Although this one was a all time favorite

"Please don't make it darker Scara, I doubt it'll go away anyway."

"Shush." He whispered harshly and lowered himself to drag his tongue over the marking before repeating this action again, again, and again even slower than the last. All the while keeping eye contact with you

You were sure your face was flushed as you watched him do so with a gasp. When he stopped his eyes narrowed and a smile fell upon his lips "How cute, don't tell me you're getting shy with me now."

"I just didn't expect you to lick me like that is all. You're kinda freaky Scara."

"That's what you consider freaky Y/N?" He asked and looked amused. You nodded and he gave a small laugh "You haven't seen shit yet, wait till I take you to my ho-" he cut himself off "Forget I mentioned that. Now lay on your stomach."

Was he going to say his home? In Inuzuma? Had Scaramouche thought of taking you one day? You weren't sure whether to be honored, flattered, or straight up terrified. When you only blinked in response the Harbinger rolled his eyes and grabbed you roughly by the shoulder and flipped you rather harshly onto the flat surface of the desk, stomach down. You winced and gave a sound of discomfort as he did

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