Chapter 28: Silly questions

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Summary: Scaramouche decides to finally ask you to marry him but messes up at breakfast

So he decides to ask a friend of yours to help him in trying again later on. To even see what you would like

This was more difficult than the Harbinger anticipated


Scaramouche mumbled into your shoulder when the cracks of the morning light came through your window. The morning had arrived quickly and it was to the Harbinger's annoyance that it did. After the little conversation you both had the two of you had gotten quite comfortable. In fact Scaramouche was the one to recommend jumping into bed to rest. In reality he just wanted to cuddle and spend a little more time with you

"Good morning Scara," you whispered groggily and the Harbinger planted a kiss onto the same spot where he mumbled. Upon your upper shoulder

"Are you busy today too?"

Scaramouche eyes narrowed and he sighed "Most likely." He decided to keep the answer short, the more he spoke about it the more you would question it. The more you would want to join him as he worked

It wasn't that he didn't want you with him but it was more like if you came along you would figure out he was leaving. He didn't want that

Not right now

"I can make you some breakfast if you want to rest a little longer?" You offered and turned around in bed to face him rather. Scaramouche released his hold so you were able to do so and instead placed his hand onto your cheek gently

"That would be great. I would love to stay longer but I must get to work after."

Your eyes lighted up and you rose from the bed slightly and Scaramouche's hand fell back to his side in bed "I can come with you!"

"No." Scaramouche immediately answered and his face grew stern. His eyebrows knitted, eyes narrowed, lips formed into a scowl almost, and his messy hair somehow seem frizzled. Like a wild animal that was agitated suddenly

Taken aback you looked away and lowered yourself back into bed. When Scaramouche saw you practically deflate he sighed. He didn't mean to sadden you or the mood

"I don't need help I assure you," he began and planted a small kiss to your forehead "I am busy yes. But you have no standing with Fatui. There's nothing you can do for me."

You closed your eyes when his chapped lips met your skin and sighed yourself "There's nothing?"

"Not that I can think of, no. The best thing you can do for me right now is take care of yourself and be safe. I'm not around you as much as I use to be." Scaramouche spoke and began to lift himself on the mattress. Groaning while stretching and a small smile crept on his face when you hugged him from behind.

"Alright alright, let me get ready." You didn't budge, instead just placed your face further into his back "Y/N I'm serious. Come on."

Eventually you had let go and headed to the kitchen to prepare him something to eat. You thought it would be some help as it obvious how busy he was going to be. So pulling out some eggs out of the refrigerator you set to work

Scaramouche on the other hand was in the restroom laying in a warm bath. His eyes were closed and his damp hair stuck to the sides of his face. His lips slightly parted as he relaxed his usual stiff body

He couldn't help but think on how to bring up his deployment to you. How to ask you to marry him

Perhaps the idea wasn't very far off, after all you practically acted as his wife at times. Even before the break up

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