Chapter 13: Devoured||NSFW

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Summary: Scaramouche decides to show you the unexpected, but because of it it frustrates him more. Even more so when he catches on once more to your plan, tired of your attempts to make a fool of him. So in his frustrated lust from the Northland bank meetings scenarios of you earlier that day and anger of the situation he teaches you a lesson

Aka Scaramouche loses control of his desires



Scaramouche waited for you to walk in before allowing the flaps of the tent's entrance to close. Eyeing you before grabbing you by the waist and smashing his lips against yours. Moaning into his mouth you realized he most likely wanted the last say, not exactly liking the fact that you had caught him off guard on the log outside.

Scaramouche's hands had dropped down around your waist and one slipped just before your behind. How badly he wanted to touch you at the moment. How his daydreams and thoughts had plagued his mind with you earlier within the office. None of it was really innocent but he had enjoyed the friction it had caused.

Scaramouche removed his lips from yours, and placed a finger under your chin "You're strangely addictive you know that?" It was a rhetorical question and he pulled away from you. Disappoint lacing the both of you as your bodies wanted more

Simply walking past you and towards where your adventure bag laid you tried to think of a way to distract him if needed. However to your surprise the Harbinger reached onto the bookshelf and removed three books, pulling one that was hidden from behind. Ignoring your bag with the tea cup entirely "Take a seat Y/N."

Not exactly sure where to sit you fell back onto the cot lazily and sat up quickly, Scaramouche eyed you before shaking his head in annoyance and sat down next to you. The cot shifting because both of your weights pushing on one side. Scaramouche sat the book on his lap before bringing his grey eyes to bore into yours "As I recall you were interested in my culture yes?"

You nodded and tried not to show any excitement, Scaramouche on the other had looked away and closed his eyes. Sighing he shifted in his seat "Very well,
You will speak to no one of this. I will show you pictures of my homeland. If your curiosity for my culture still bothers your little head then perhaps I will teach you."

You couldn't help but notice he seemed a bit uncomfortable so you gently brought a finger under his chin and pulled his face towards you "You don't have to if you don't want to Scara."

His eyes reopened and he pulled his head away from your gentle touches despite not wanting to "No I want to. Now pay attention." With that Scaramouche opened the book to the first page and moved it over for you to see it better.

From what you could see the Images of the land were beautiful, land covered with nothing but green and purple hues. Huge trees that had branches reaching out into the sky with purple leaves that fell into huge piles below. The trees themselves were engraved with purple markings that spread throughout the bark. Scaramouche watched as your eyes lit up the way he expected and smiled slightly "Would you like me to turn the page?"

Nodding you gasped silently at the beautiful structure of a building that was on another page, huge and elegant. Lanterns adorned it and there were a considerably large about of stairs that led up to it. "This is your homeland?"

Scaramouche nodded and allowed your fingers to trace over the pictures. "Yes, yes it is. Different than you were expecting?"

"Slightly. I had no idea you were from Inazuma, May I see more?"

Scaramouche nodded and offered you the book so you could flip through it yourself. There were so many images and it was all so lovely, how could someone as cruel and frightening come from a land so beautiful and calm looking?

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