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The bodyguards all lined up outside to catch a view of who was entering the main family's Auction at the hotel

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The bodyguards all lined up outside to catch a view of who was entering the main family's Auction at the hotel. Cars lined up outside for them to check but also to get an eye of any of the guest who would attend. Pete was so excited he knew he couldn't be apart of it because of course this is a work day for him, but seeing all the nice cares and fancy people we're cool.

"I can't wait till this shit is over" Ken said leaning over so Pete could hear. Pete just shook his comments off and smiled ,it was no need to be negative today. Ken rolled his eyes and went to stand along side the other bodyguards. Things seem to be going smoothly until one car pulled up.

Everyone tensed and all the bodyguards seem to Straighten up more. All their eyes follow him as he stepped out the car with his bright white suit on. Pete eyes locked with Vegas for a moment as his mind began to rekindle all the things they did last night. Pete kept his cool and acted natural even when Vegas flashed him a tiny smirk. Pete couldn't lie to himself Vegas did look very beautiful that night.

After Vegas entered the bodyguards all went back into chill mode to finish getting all the cars in.

"Let's all go inside and take our post ok." Pete said Clarifying with the bodyguards. They all follow in line to get into their Positions. Pete rushed inside the building taking his stop by the bar so he'll have eyes on Kinn and Vegas.

"I forgot where my spot is!?" Porsche yelled threw the walkie-talkie.

"By the stairs!" Big yelled back at Porsche threw the walkie-talkie.

Pete wish he could take his ear piece out so he wouldn't have to hear the two bickering back and forth. All eyes of the bodyguards were focused on Vegas and Kinn them together was troublesome.

"What's the plan Kinn?" Vegas said Sarcastically looking over at the pale man.

Kinn smirked and turn and faced the Sinister man. The lights from the auction illuminated the man making his gaze appear more gruesome. The cousins were used to each other's distant remarks and almost flat conversations.

"My farther always wanted that necklace, they're worth like three million." Kinn said trying make their conversation less awkward. Vegas laughed he wanted to challenge him that's what he lived for.

"Living up to your farther's standards huh." Vegas said catching a look at the comfort Pete at the bar.

Vegas began to become bored by his cousin's Mpc conversations and took his chance to leave when he saw his annoying friends coming to the table.

"Saved by the bell." Vegas said finding his way to another table.

"We missed you." Tay said petting his friend's back. It was weird for Kinn to see them like this ,his friends happy together. Kinn kinda felt bad for Tay and thought he should leave Time , but he always stayed out of it in hopes of not ruining their friendship.

"The guys are looking really beautiful tonight especially your bodyguard over there" Time said pointing over to the bar. Tay's face dropped but tried to remain calm ,he was used to this. Kinn could sense his friends sadness and tried to distance himself from the conversation.

"He's distant and Goofy you'll ruin his sunshine Time, you know how you are." Kinn said glaring a little at his friend. Tay just stayed quiet as always , he was used to his boyfriend being garbage, but his consequences was for him putting up with Time.

The auction began and the tension started building in the room , mainly between the two cousins. Kinn hand raised for two million on the necklace. Vegas look at him across the room sensing the competition.

"Ten million!" Vegas shouted throwing his hand in the air.

Pete watched Vegas from the bar he knew he should be watching his boss , but his secret lover was so beautiful. Pete loved how dominant and uneasy Vegas was, he loved being kept on his toes constantly in fear. Pete started to feel his pants began to tighten around his dick and needed to get to the bathroom quickly.

Pete splashed some water on his face to cool himself off , all these thoughts about Vegas in his white suit, almost making him look holy. He loosened his tie up so he could feel less hot. Pete was ambushed and felt his body being snatched from the sink of the bathroom.

The two men grabbed Pete putting a bag over his head , he tried his best to hold his own and fight the men off, but in the end he was for a lost.

Kinn looked around the room looking for Pete, he couldn't even focus on the situation at hand.

"Where is Pete?" Porsche yelled over the walkie-talkie in fear. All the bodyguards began to panic, mainly Porsche because that was his only friend. Kinn could see the stress on his bodyguards face and got up leaving his friends at the table.

Vegas smiled at the chaos, he loved to see Kinn in a vulnerable state ,it gave him so much joy. He brushed off his white suit and headed to the elevator, pressing the 13th floor. He walked down the lit hallways of the hotel, to the room he had prepared for the night.

He opened the door revealing his prize waiting for him. He looked over at his lover tied to the bed removing his blind fold.

"You don't know how much I've missed you baby boy." Vegas said smiling at his lovely boy. Pete smiled at him, happy to see the twisted man.

"Tonight is going to be special my love." Vegas ruffling Pete's hair smirking at him. Pete was excited for his love, but in back of his head he knew this would cause tension with the main family, he loved them ,and was forever loyal to them, but the tainted forbidden nature of Vegas and his relationship sent serotonin to his brain. Pete always followed their orders it felt good to be "bad".

Vegas begin to unbutton the rest of his shirt looking at Pete with those half hooded eyes, staring into his lovers soul, tonight would be eventful.

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