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"Don't cry baby we'll still be together

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"Don't cry baby we'll still be together." Vegas wiped Pete's tears away , clearly laughing at the boy's pain.

"You lied, you made a fool out of me." Pete yelled out of anger and sadness.

"Aww my sweet sweet boy, you shouldn't be so naive then." Vegas wiped Pete's tears from his face again , he really enjoyed seeing the boy cry.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Pete said trying to pull his hands free from the rope.

He wanted so badly to smash Vegas's face into a wall but, at the same time he wanted those same feelings of love they once had. Vegas watched the boy struggle making him laugh even more to the point he was out of breath. Pete seemed so harmless to him, like a little puppy trying to bark at you.

Pete's chest felt tight and full of Sorrow. He felt as if someone had just ripped his heart from his chest and stomped all over it. He couldn't hardly breathe from all the crying and his throat was dry and striped from all the yelling. The pain was to much to for him to handle, he had gotten shot before, but heartbreak was difficult. You can fix a bruise on the body and it can heal, but a broken heart couldn't be healed or fixed with a bandage.

Pete gave up fighting and began to take in his new reality. He looked over at his friends who looked like they were sleeping soundly. His heart would beat so fast when him and Vegas would make eye contact. Pete couldn't lie , he loved that evil man even after he betrayed him. Seeing him laughing at his distress made that feeling in his chest grow tighter, how could Vegas not love him at all.

"Please just make this all go away Vegas. You don't have to listen to your dad, you can follow your own path."  Pete could see Vegas shifted from joyful to anger.

Pete could tell when his nose would flare up and he'll begin to breathe really loudly. Honestly Pete wasn't afraid of his rage, he enjoyed every minute of it. Pete felt so stupid for Vegas, even after the betrayal, he still looked at the man and adored him.

Vegas walked over to Pete slapping him across the face.

"This is my chance for him to be proud of me."

Pete face slumped over to the side from the slap. He wasn't even in fear, just heart broken. Pete regained his composure and gave Vegas a big smile.

"I could never get enough of your pain." Pete smiled at Vegas clearly mocking the man. Vegas knew how Pete was, he loved when he would take his anger out on him. Someone like him would be hard to torture.

"You're so delusional , don't think I'll go easy on you." Vegas mocked Pete back, he was challenging him.

"I don't know what weird shit you have going on with him, but Kinn and the major family are on their way boss." Ken said interrupting Vegas and Pete's sick conversation.

" this is all because your dumbass." Vegas shouted at Ken pointing his gun at him.

" you probably had them follow us here, you fucking snake." Vegas shot Ken right in head. He wasted no time to get rid of the man.

Pete looked at his body in shocked, Vegas was so heartless even to someone so loyal to to him. Vegas began to order the other bodyguards in panic, he wanted to make sure every bag of drugs was collected.

"Put him in the car, I need a little pet for my safe house." Vegas pointed to Pete.

Pete began to struggle as the men threw him over their back carrying him out of the Warehouse. He felt so gross having the man's ass in his face. Things couldn't be even worse than this. The man threw Pete in the backseat, not caring how he ended up. Pete tried adjusting himself to at least be comfortable to deal with this bullshit.

"Aww who's the good boy?" Vegas said in childish way, getting into the driver's seat.

Something about Pete being tied up like this turned him on, but he had to keep his distance from the man. Vegas begin to driving, but he would turn his head to look at Pete to laugh. Seeing him in so much pain made Vegas full with so much joy.

"You get to sit there and laugh, but you'll never understand how much despair I will right now." Pete begin to cry, his pride meant nothing to him anymore.

Vegas got quite he didn't even laugh anymore. He couldn't lie he did have a soft spot for the boy.

"You think I don't know Pete."

Pete's heart dropped to his stomach. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears.

"I'm sorry Vegas, but I had a job to do."

Vegas balled his hand up and begin to beat the Steering wheel. He yell in anger letting out all his aggression.

"How can you be upset about betrayal?! Wasn't it you who followed me, wasn't it you who slept with me to get information, wasn't it you who lied first." Vegas was done with Pete acting naive and innocent.

Vegas knew he was shit, but this time he wasn't the only villain.

"So you wanted me to choose my job over you Vegas ,huh?!" Pete was a mess in tears, but maybe Vegas was right they're whole relationship was built on a lie.

"Maybe it's you who didn't really love me." Vegas wiped his tears pulling over to the side of the road.

He hopped out of the car full of anger. Pete knew what was coming next, but he loved this side of Vegas. Maybe it was more of a love hate relationship, but he desperately craved his touch.

Vegas opened the backseat door climbing in next to next Pete. He grabbed Pete by his shirt slapping him across the face repeatedly. The boy under him begin to laugh taking in the pain, why was he like this.

"You little shit, still smiling huh." Vegas face was so close to the boy glaring at him.

Pete smiled at Vegas and started making kissing faces at him.

"You're still in love with me Vegas I can tell." Pete laughed in his face.

Vegas stormed out of the backseat getting back into the driver's seat. He began to drive faster, he needed to punish Pete for his betrayal.

"All those times we made love, deep down I knew it was to good to be true. You were just using me for information. In my heart I wanted you to love me, so I pretended to be naive." Vegas voice was calm, but behind that was the same sadness that Pete felt.

"I'm sorry Vegas, it's just business."

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