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"You don't have to lie to me Pete, I'm your friend

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"You don't have to lie to me Pete, I'm your friend." Porsche leaned down next to his friend, who was in the freezing cold bathtub. Pete wasn't in the mood to talk about about it anymore he just wish that his friend would drop it.

"Just please believe me ok" Pete was over the whole conversation, it was bad enough he had to lie to his friend. Pete just set there letting his friend clean his cuts.

"Kinn said you can rest if you want, but the bodyguards and I have business to take care  of with Vegas and the minor family." Pete's was all ears now, that was just another moment he could find to sneak and be with his lover.

"I'm fine, this is business, this is my job , I have to be there." Pete smiled at his friend.

"Number one bodyguard huh." Porsche said teasing his friend. They both laughed trying to lighten the mood. Pete got out of the bathtub going into Porsche and his shared room to get ready , the tension between the main family and the minor family always kept him on his toes.

"Are you ready to go?" Arm said poking his head in the door.

"Yep." Pete said hurrying out the door.

Vegas wasted no time getting everything together, today he'll put on a show for main family's bodyguards, he loved causing a panic with them. Most importantly he'll see his favorite bodyguard and the cutest one. Pete and the other bodyguards stepped out of car in font of Vegas, and there he stood with a satin red shirt, and that Sinister smirk on his face.

"We're a team now." Vegas said rubbing his hands together smirking at the bodyguards. They all followed his lead inside the main family's home. Pete looked around at how codified and organized their bodyguards were, they were never like that when he came over.
All of them seemed calm they were even polite to them. Everything felt so fake and rehearsed, even the way Vegas was acting, Pete knew his true colors.

"See we're like a family here, no suits, no hard schedules, a family." Vegas walked to a grand table outside showing the bodyguards the expensive meal all the minor family bodyguards we're eating. Porsche was even shocked at how good everything looked, since at the main family's house everything was healthy, basically bird food.

"Come on sit down and eat with us Pete." Vegas motioned for Pete to sit right between him and Macau. Pete stood still trying to stay cool, he wanted to be near his lover so bad, he just wish he could hop in his lap, and hug him, and kiss him like normal couples do. Vegas and him were far from normal, their relationship could literally start a war.

Porsche, Arm, and Pol wasted no time sitting at the table to scarf down all the unhealthy food.

"Why are we here again?" Pete asked Vegas trying to give him attitude to seem normal. Vegas ignored Pete's words, also trying to distance himself from the man. Pete kicked Vegas under the table startling the man. Vegas reached down rubbing his leg trying to soothe the pain away.

"Anyways as you can see we're calm here, we can help the main family with their troubles." Vegas said showing a big smile to them. It only made them uncomfortable since they never imagined him to ever be a welcoming person.

"So are we helping the Italia mafia or are we taking them out." Pol said with his mouth stuffed with food. Pete turned his head in disgust.

"We'll see." Vegas said trying to end the conversation, he began to get bored of the play pretend his farther made him do.

Pete reached his hand under the table grabbing Vegas's hand. He gently stroked it, wishing he could show him more affection. Vegas face remained calm, but under the table he grabbed his lover's hand to have any way to feel him close. Pete could tell that Vegas was feeling emotional by the look in his eyes.

"I'll show you guy's where you'll be staying the night." Vegas stood up from the table trying to hold all his emotions in.

Vegas brought all the bodyguards inside the house showing them where they'll be staying before the mission.

"Pete you'll be staying here, and if you guys need anything I'll be down the hallway." Vegas walked away from the bodyguards dropping his cheerful Persona. His face become cold again and his body became more relaxed.

Pete tried to become comfortable in his room but, his mind could only think about him. Pete got out of his bed sneaking out of the door, he creeped down the hallway toward where Vegas was staying. He checked each room peaking in to find him. Pete opened one door seeing Porsche sleeping with his mouth open, he quickly closed the door coming to the door at the end of the hallway.

"Looking for something." Vegas came out of nowhere startling Pete.

"Holly shit!" Pete put his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

"Come with me to my room I've missed you love, hurry so no one will see." Vegas put his hand on Pete's back guiding him to his room.

Pete plopped down on the bed signaling for Vegas to come join him. Vegas sit down on the bed and Pete sit on his lap.

"Are you sad, I could tell earlier." Pete cupped his lovers face.

"It's hard hiding who I love, and my farther has been worse." Vegas dropped his head down crying on to Pete's shoulder.

"I'm sorry I wish I could make this all go away, I don't want to hide us but, I'm scared." Pete said wiping Vegas's tears. Vegas brought Pete closer hugging him and kissing his cheeks.

"You know how my farther is, he doesn't like the fact that I'm gay." Vegas couldn't look Pete in the eyes, it was embarrassing to him the things his farther would do to him.

Pete hug him harder kissing his lips , their kiss became deeper and Vegas began to grab at his lovers hair. Vegas grabbed Pete's hips , making him grind on his lap, he had so much lust and love that he need to give to him. Vegas pulled away from the kiss and the both of them catch their breath.

"What's wrong baby." Pete grabbed Vegas's face looking at him with concern.

"I want us to spend time together, our love is more than sex, even though I like that very much." Vegas smiled at Pete.

"what, you wanna take me out on a date or something, I don't know ,maybe we can both get shot together in the process." Pete laughed clearly joking with Vegas, but in reality they could never have those normal moments like other couples. It really made the both of them think of how they'll last like this.

"Let's not think about that, but for now we can watch a movie together and cuddle." Vegas poked Pete's dimple watching him giggle.

"Hmm so romantic, wouldn't have never thought you to be that way." Pete hopped off of Vegas's lap curling up on the bed in his thick blankets. Vegas joined him turning on a movie, they both snuggled in together. Pete never wanted this moment to end, with Vegas he could detach himself from reality and his responsibility of being a bodyguard.

He had to be strong everyday fighting for the main family, but with Vegas, he could be weak in his arms. Pete snuggle up into Vegas's chest taking in his addicting smell and drifted off to sleep. Vegas just pulled him closer watch how adorable he was sleeping.

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