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Pete's hot body compressed against the hotel's  window as he look at the beautifully scenery of the city buildings

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Pete's hot body compressed against the hotel's window as he look at the beautifully scenery of the city buildings. His lover was making love to him, his back arched, and his lover inside him. Vegas reached his hand around Pete's neck pulling him closer to his hot chest. He kissed his neck lovingly , while whispering the most sinister things into his ear.

"Vegas pls don't be gentle." Pete said through his hot breaths and moans, this only made Vegas crave him more.

Vegas begin to bite and scratch at Pete's back while still slamming into his lover's tight hole. Pete's side of his face was just smushed into the window trying to feel Vegas's dick even deeper inside of him.

"You're such a dirty puppy, such a good boy." Vegas whispered into Pete's ear.

Pete's legs begin to feel like jelly he couldn't stand like this for so long, Vegas could feel this, but liked to see the boy suffer. He grabbed his hand pining then to the cold glass window to hold Pete in place, he wouldn't get out of this position easily. Vegas slammed into his lover's hole even harder fucking him back into submission. Pete was hardly holding up on his two feet, but enjoyed Vegas's harsh movements.

"Please.....please Vegas." Pete begged.

"My little puppy is begging, should I listen?" Vegas loved to toy with Pete when he was like this, all hot ,sweaty, and most importantly submissive for him. Vegas pulled out of Pete making him drop to his knees.

"Come on beg to your owner on your knees." Vegas said playing with his lover's hair. Pete looked up at him with tears in his eyes and sweaty bangs sticking to his forehead. Vegas got down on the floor looking at Pete with concerns, was he to hard on him tonight?

"Do you want to stop baby?" Vegas looked to his lover eyes. Pete shook his head, he was having to much fun to stop. Vegas took his lover's response and standing to his feet smirking at him. Pete took this as a sign to get on the bed.

Vegas crawled between Pete's legs admiring his body. He already had so many scar's from things beyond him, he kissed them all. There were knocking at the door, making Vegas pissed.

"What the fuck do u want!?" Vegas yelled, how dare they come in between his lover.

"Boss the main family are on there way up here, we have to leave."

"Fuck" Vegas yelled kicking one of the night stands. Pete got off the bed putting on his boxers and a shirt, they've never been this close to catching then. Pete grabbed Vegas bringing him into a lust and loving kiss, Vegas couldn't let him go bringing his body closer to him, trying to pour all his love into the boy.

"I love you Pete." Vegas looked into his lovers eyes.

"Pls get dressed Vegas you have to go, they can't find you here with me." Pete was under so much stress, this was his cost of being un loyal for once in his life, his cost for being selfish just once. Vegas put on his clothes kissing his lover goodbye one last time.

Pete laidback on the bed getting ready to put on a show for the main family, he was ready to lie just to protect his lover. Groups of foot steps could be heard in hallway. Kinn came in busting in the door with his bodyguards following behind. They all looked at Pete in disbelief, scared for the boy.

"Pete!" Porsche yelled running to Pete's side holding onto him.

"You're bleeding, what happened ,who did this to you?" Porsche was so angry to see his friend like this, almost lifeless. This is when Pete began to put on a show, he didn't speak and held his side, breathing heavy.

" I don't know who it was, please believe me ok." Pete gave them a tired smile, he smiled in every situation.

"Whoever did this we can find them Pete, we promise." Arm said looking at his friend, it almost made him cry to see him like this.

" I said I don't know, now please, just take me home." Nobody said anything else, they all just helped Pete off the bed and took him home.

All the bodyguards knew deep down that this had something to do with the minor family, it was always them. They just couldn't keep questioning their already hurt friend.

VegasPete: I can't save us. 21+Where stories live. Discover now