Chapter 2

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"Please don't. I still need that" The man states, causing both Fury and Rachel to stop. However, Fury still keeps a strong hold on the case in his hand. "This doesn't have to get any messier" Fury states as they turn around to face the man with the spear as Shield agents stands behind him, completely calm. "Of course it does, I've come too far for anything else" The man replies confidently. "I am Loki, of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose" he continues and the name rings a bell in Rachel's mind. "Loki? Brother of Thor" Selvig questions as he stands and Loki only sighs in frustration but the explanation causes a realisation in Rachel's mind. "We have no quarrel with your people" Fury argues, trying to diffuse the situation. "An ant has no quarrel with a boot" Loki responds. "Are you planning to step on us?" Fury questions. "I come with glad tidings, of a world made free" Loki explains with a grin. "Free from what?" Rachel questions from beside Fury. "Freedom. Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that, in your heart, you will know peace" Loki states as he points the sceptre at Selvig's chest and he relaxes, just like Clint did. Rachel takes notice of Selvig's eyes turning entirely blue, to black and back to normal. "Yeah, you say peace, I kinda think you mean the other thing" Fury argues.

"Sir, Director Fury and Agent Forbes are stalling. This place is about to blow, they plans to drop a hundred feet of rock on us. They mean to bury us" Clint states, breaking his silence. "Like the pharaohs of Odin" Fury replies with a smirk. "He's right, the portal is collapsing in on itself. We've got maybe two minutes before this goes critical" Selvig explains, supporting Clint's statement. "Well then" Loki says as he looks at Clint. He quickly raises his gun and fires two bullets, one at Fury and one at Rachel. They both let out a grunt as they fall to the floor. Loki and the compromised agents walk past and takes the case as they do.

Fury sits up with a groan as he grabs his walkie. "Hill? Do you copy?" He questions with a groan as he pulls the bullet from his vest. "Barton has turned" he states into the walkie before looking over at Rachel. "Forbes, you good?" he asks as she sits up, holding her arm. "Yeah, I think I just about dodged it" she explains as she removes her hand to show a deep scrape on her arm. "Let's go" Fury urges as they both stand and run out. "They have the tesseract, shut them down" Fury orders through the walkie to Hill.

Fury and Rachel rush to the chopper and jump in before the chopper takes off. They watch as the facility explodes and collapses. They fly ahead of Loki and they both start firing their gun at the windshield. Loki sends a surge of energy from the sceptre and at the chopper, causing it to lose control and head for the floor. Fury and Rachel quickly jump out of it before the chopper crashes. They roll onto the ground and Rachel stands quickly to aim her gun at the vehicle just before Fury copies her motion. They both realise how far away the vehicle is and lower their guns in defeat before glancing at each other.

"Director? Director Fury, do you copy?" Coulson asks through the walkie. "The tesseract is with a hostile force. I have men down. Hill?" Fury responds as he glances back at the flaming chopper. "A lot of men still under, don't know how many survivors" Maria replies. "I want every living soul not working rescue, looking for that briefcase" Fury orders and Maria responds with a "Roger that". Fury continues giving orders,  "Coulson, get back to base. This is a level seven. As of right now, we are at war".

As soon as Rachel, Fury, Maria and Coulson arrive on main base they're given their orders. "Forbes" Fury says as Maria and Coulson leave the room. "Yes sir" she responds, waiting for her orders. "I need you to get the soldier, convince him to help us get the tesseract" he orders as he passes her a file. "Sir? Why me?" she questions. "Because you're a friendly face. You explained everything to him when he came out of the ice. I think he trusts you" he explains causing Rachel to remember when she helped the super soldier understand the new century. She explained some of the changes before ensuring he was settled in his new apartment. She left him her number in case he had any questions which he has occasionally used and over time they became good friends. As far as she knows he's settling in just fine. As fine as he could, considering he'd just woken up in a new century.

"I know that this can be a lot to take in, so if you forget anything or have any questions, big or small, just give me a call ok? Even if you think it's dumb, I assure you it's not" Rachel assures Steve as she hands him her phone number. "Thank you" Steve nods with a sad expression. "I'm sure this can't be easy for you, but I'm here to help you or if you just need a friend" she adds with a smile, doing her best to get him to smile. He looks at her and gives a small smile, knowing she just wants to see him smile before she leaves. "Thank you" he repeats before she replies "Anytime" before leaving.

"Yes sir" she nodded. "There's a quinjet waiting for you. Coulson will pick you both up when you're ready" he explains and she nods again before leaving for the quinjet. She packs a bag of her things since she may end up spending a night in New York and needs more suitable clothing than her uniform to recruit Steve Rogers. She arrives on the quinjet to find two agents waiting in the cockpit. "Let's get going then fellas" she orders as she places her bag down and closes the door before they head for New York.

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