Chapter 49

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Rachel sleeps for most of the way home and Steve sits beside her, watching her intently until he needs to land the jet. He doesn't have the heart to wake her so he carefully picks her up, trying not to hurt her or cause her any discomfort. She shuffles slightly in his arms and he walks into the compound, heading straight for the infirmary for her to be checked out.

Once she was given the all clear, she limps out of the infirmary with Steve's arm wrapped around her waist. He takes her to their room where she showers and washes all the dirt and blood off her. She finishes and is greeted by Steve waiting for her on the bed. "You still tired?" he asks her. "A little. The entire time that I was there, they had me wear a bracelet that restricted my powers, so I didn't have much energy while I was there" she explains as she sits beside him. "I'm sorry Rach. Do you wanna go to bed?" he asks her as he wraps an arm around her. "No, I think my sleep on the jet was enough. I kind of want to see everyone" she answers with a smile and before Steve can insist that she should get some rest, Nat bursts through the door. "Rachel!" she yells in excitement and runs towards her. "Hi Nat" Rachel smiles and Nat pulls her into a hug. "Careful" Steve warns and Nat makes sure to be gentle. "I've missed you" Rachel says as she holds onto Nat tight. "I've missed you too" Nat replies and smiles at her best friend when she pulls away. "Everyone is going to be so happy to see you!" she cheers and takes her hand, leading her to the living room, slowly.

"Look who's back" Nat states as she enters the room, the rest of the Avengers sitting in front of the tv. "Hey guys" Rachel greets with a wave and smile as everyone rushes over to welcome her home. She gets a hug from Clint that's just as long as the one she got from Nat. "Are you ok?" he asks her. "I'm ok Clint" Rachel smiles into his shoulder. "Are you sure?" he questions when he pulls away, holding onto Rachel's arms. "I'm sure" she chuckles before getting hugs from everyone else. Steve watches with a smile as Rachel greets her family, he also keeps an eye on her to make sure she isn't in any pain.

"So what happened? Where have you been?" Tony asks eagerly once Rachel has sat down with Steve beside her. "Uh, the agency who trained me threatened to kill you all if I didn't return. So I went back and eventually destroyed the place" she explains briefly, not wanting to get into detail. "Wow. We could've helped you" Clint assures her and Rachel chuckles. "I know. I'm sorry guys, I was only trying to protect you. And I'm fine, so don't worry" she replies hopefully. They all nod, understanding where she's coming from. "So, what have I missed?" she asks, changing the subject and everyone starts filling her in on everything she missed while she was away.

While they all watch a film Rachel rests her head on Steve's shoulder and eventually drifts off to sleep. The exhaustion and stress of everything she's been through over the past few weeks finally getting to her. She tries to fight it and keep her eyes open to finish the film with everyone but it's a fight she loses. Steve looks down at her and pulls a blanket from behind him, careful not to wake her as he does so. He pulls the blanket over Rachel gently and looks back to the tv.

When everyone else starts to get tired and starts falling asleep as well, Steve slowly picks Rachel up with the blanket still covering her snuggly. "I'm taking her to bed" he whispers to Nat when she watches him pick her up. She gives him nod with a smile and watches him carry her out of the room, thankful she's come home. Not just because she and the team missed her, but because Steve was falling apart without her. He kept to himself, she noticed how he looked to the lift every time it opened. His recurring glances at his phone didn't go unnoticed by her either. She can see how relaxed and at peace Steve is now that Rachel has come home.

Steve climbs into bed beside Rachel and wraps an arm around her waist and gently pulls her closer to him. He kisses her cheek before allowing himself to get some well-needed rest as well. Rachel laces her fingers with his and pulls his hand from her waist up to her chest, sighing in content. They both relax at being in each other's arms after weeks apart. Rachel feels relieved that he's safe and the agency is finally gone while Steve feels relieved that Rachel is safe and can hopefully feel more at peace now that the agency has been destroyed.

"I love you" she whispers tiredly, it was so quiet she'd be surprised if Steve actually heard her. "I love you too" Steve smiles and kisses her cheek again before they both finally fall asleep together, for the first time in weeks.

I Can't Help It - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now