Chapter 55

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Steve finally leaves the apartment and enters the staircase to see Bucky fighting off two men at once while Rachel protects Bucky from two aiming their guns at him. He hears a man communicating through his walkie so he takes the walkie and squeezes it, breaking it in the process. He starts jumping down the staircase to reach Bucky and Rachel's level. Once he does, Bucky knocks a man over the railing so he quickly catches the man before he falls down multiple floors. "Come on man" he grunts to Bucky before pulling the man up and into the wall.

Bucky breaks the handrail and uses it to swing down to another level, taking out a man on his way. Meanwhile, Steve attaches two men by the belt and sends one of the handrail, keeping them busy. Rachel tries to stop as many men from getting to Bucky to avoid them getting seriously hurt or worse, but there's too many so Bucky attacks more men. When a man aims his gun Bucky, Steve throws his shield and knocks the man off his feet. He and Rachel watch as Bucky jumps over the handrail and down a few floors, grabbing the handrail to stop himself from falling any further. Rachel uses her powers to pull Steve's shield from the wall and back onto Steve's arm before they rush to a balcony to see Bucky on a neighbouring rooftop fighting someone else.

"Sam, southwest rooftop" Steve tells Sam when he sees him flying towards them. "Who the hell's the other guy?" Sam asks. "I'm about to find out" Steve answers before looking at Rachel. "Go, I'm right behind you" she nods in assurance. He takes a few steps back for a running start and jumps to the neighbouring rooftop with ease. Rachel takes a few steps back, taking a deep breath before running towards the edge of the balcony. She jumps and uses her powers to boost herself and reaches the edge of the neighbouring rooftop. She uses her powers to break her fall and lands roughly. Steve glances over his shoulder to see Rachel getting to her feet before continuing towards Bucky.

A helicopter appears and starts firing at Bucky and the man in black, the bullets bouncing off the man in black's suit. "Sam" Steve states. "I got him" Sam replies before kicking the tail of the helicopter, causing it to lose control. Bucky manages to get lose from the man in black's grip and grabs his bag and jumps over the edge of the building. The man in black uses his claws to slide down the side of the building behind Bucky. Steve and Rachel run towards the edge and Rachel pulls a hook from her belt before shooting it at the ground, seeing it latch onto it tightly. She attaches the rope to her belt before she and Steve jump over the building's edge. Rachel runs down the side of the building using the rope to slow herself down as she reaches the ground. She releases the rope and runs just behind Steve after he lands on the ground, using his shield to break his fall.

They follow Bucky through the streets and down into a tunnelled road. They all jump down and Rachel uses her powers to land gently before chasing after Bucky. Steve notices a police car driving just behind Rachel and slows down to reach it. He jumps onto the hood and the car stops abruptly. He rolls off and looks at Rachel. "Get in" he says as he opens the driver's door and pulls the driver out. He kicks the cracked windshield out before climbing in with Rachel sitting in the passenger seat.

He drives after Bucky and the man in black, driving in and out of traffic until the man in black jumps onto the back. Steve starts swerving the car to get him off but he has a tight grip. "Sam, I can't shake this guy" Steve states. "I'm right behind you" Sam replies as he enters the tunnelled road himself. Many other police sirens can be heard behind them and Steve tries sending them off course by crashing into them.

When Bucky jumps a row of barrels to avoid more police Steve turns to crash through them, following Bucky. Bucky gets a motorbike from someone and quickly winds through traffic with Steve and Rachel just behind. The man in black climbs over the car roof and jumps at Bucky but Bucky manages to grab him and kick him away. Steve quickly avoids him and continues after Bucky. The man in black jumps up and grabs onto Sam as he flies past. Steve ensures he's out of their way when they veer into their path.

Bucky throws an explosive onto the roof of the tunnelled road and it explodes almost instantly. Sam swings his legs forward and sends the man in black through the collapsing roof while Steve quickly hits the breaks and swerves the car. "Take my hand!" he yells to Rachel and she quickly takes his hand as he opens his door and jumps out, pulling Rachel along with him. They both land on their feet and Rachel lets his hand go. She turns around to the car that's now flipping across the road. She raises her hands to stop the car from flipping any further, whether that be towards them or towards another road. She stops it as Steve runs towards Bucky and jumps towards the man in black, swinging him off of Bucky.

They all stand still, staring at each other as police surround them and Rhodey arrives as well. "Stand down now" Rhodey orders as he raises his repulsors and guns towards the group. They all raise their hands as Rhodey tells Steve that he's a criminal. Rachel stands beside Steve as men walk towards her. The man in black removes his mask and everyone realises it's the prince of Wakanda, or King now, T'Challa. "Your highness" Rhodey greets before T'Challa watches Steve be handcuffed.

"Cuff her" Rhodey orders and nods towards her, she looks at him in shock before looking at the men approaching her. Steve watches as they grab her wrists and attach handcuffs to her wrists, as soon as they've locked onto her wrists a red light appears and Rachel feels her energy leave her body. The same way it did when the mistress attached the bracelet to her when she returned to the agency. She loses her balance and Steve goes to step towards her but is stopped by men holding him back. "Rach" he says as she manages to stand after the men hold her up and she blinks a few times. "I'm ok" she nods with a pant before they're all lead to a van.

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