Chapter 39

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Rachel and Steve continue fighting Ultron as best they can until Ultron blasts Rachel and she's sent backwards into Steve. They both hit the car behind them and hold onto the roof. Ultron causes the car to flip and Rachel and Steve land on the road, they quickly stand and start running to avoid being hit by the other cars involved in the crash. Steve looks behind them to see a car skidding towards them. "Jump!" he tells Rachel and they both jump and land on the car as it skids towards the truck. Steve jumps back onto the truck and Rachel uses her powers to give her the needed boost to land on the roof behind Steve.

Clint hovers the jet in front of the truck and fires the guns at Ultron. Steve and Rachel take a step back to avoid being shot and the bots from inside the truck quickly fly after the jet. When Steve throws Ultron into a pillar, Ultron flies towards him with full power. Steve uses his momentum to push him away from the truck and into a passing train. "Steve!" Rachel shouts. "Nat, can you cover the cradle?" Rachel asks as she prepares to jump onto the train. "I got it, go" Nat assures her. Rachel jumps from the truck and lands on train's roof. She quickly jumps inside, through the hole created by Steve and Ultron. She quickly shields Steve from one of Ultron's blasts.

"I'm going in. Cap, Vi, can you keep him occupied?" Nat asks through comms as Steve takes a hit from Ultron. "What do you think we've been doing?" Steve pants while Rachel gathers train passengers into a safer place on the train. Clint and Nat start conversing through comms about the cradle but Steve and Rachel are too occupied with Ultron. Steve groans when Ultron hits his ribs but Ultron is knocked off his feet by a blue blur. Pietro stops and stares at Ultron and when he takes a step forward, metal blocks Ultron's path while surrounded by red energy. Steve and Rachel glance between the twins before Rachel helps him to his feet.

"Please, don't do this" Ultron pleads to them. "What choice do we have?" Wanda replies. Ultron quickly turns to fire at Pietro but Pietro runs out of the way and the blast hits the front of the train before Ultron flies out of the train. "I lost him! He's headed your way!" Steve informs Clint and Nat as he and Rachel run to the front of the train to see the driver unconscious. Rachel looks ahead to see the end of the train track and her eyes widen. "Steve" she says and Steve raises his gaze to the end of the track. "Everybody hold on!" Rachel shouts back to the passengers. They crash through the barrier and the train shakes as it travels without a track.

"Cap, you seen Nat?" Clint asks and Steve tells him to leave if he has the cradle. Clint reluctantly leaves and Steve turns his attention back to the trackless train. "Civilians in our path" Steve orders Pietro and he dashes out of the train and starts moving civilians before the train reaches them. "Can you help me stop this thing?" Rachel asks Wanda, she knows that she won't be able to stop it by herself and if she did, she'd exert herself too much. Wanda gives her a nod and Steve starts ensuring the passengers are okay. Suddenly the train crashes through a building and Steve raises his shield. A chunk of cement hits his shield and he's sent backwards through a set of chairs. Rachel looks to Wanda and gives her a nod before they both thrust their hands towards the floor. Their violet and red energy travels through the train's system and they use all their strength to activate the train's breaks. Rachel feels the blood start running from her nose and Wanda starts to strain as well.

The train eventually comes to a stop and everyone sighs in relief and exhaustion while the passengers rush off the train to safe ground. Rachel leans against the wall of the train as she tries catching her breath and Wanda rushes off to find her brother. "Rach, talk to me" Steve says as he approaches her. "I'm okay, I've done worse" she says with a smile, knowing she's exerted herself more than this in the past. Steve wraps an arm around her and helps her off the train.

They find Pietro and Wanda standing on the side, Pietro panting. "I'm fine, I just need to take a minute" he assures Wanda as she watches him concerned. "I'm very tempted not to give you one" Steve interrupts as he approaches them with Rachel tucked into his side. "The cradle. Did you get it?" Wanda asks. "Stark will take care of it" he answers, refusing to give her any further information. "No, he won't" Wanda replies. "You don't know what you're talking about" Steve states, refusing to let himself doubt Tony. "Stark's not crazy" Rachel adds as she takes another deep breath. "He will do anything to make things right" Wanda states, a worried expression on her face. "Stark, come in" Steve says through comms, giving in to Wanda's doubt. "Anyone on comms?" he asks when he gets no response. "Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?" Wanda asks Steve and Rachel. They share a look before sighing, knowing that Wanda has a point.

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