Chapter 28

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Steve keeps a strong grip on Rachel's wrist while he holds onto the edge of the helicarriers with his other hand. "Hang on!" Steve tells Rachel as she hangs just below him. "I'm getting deja vu" she chuckles, referring to their experience on the damaged helicarriers 2 years ago. He smiles before he starts pulling her up to the carrier and she manages to get a grip on the ledge. She starts pulling herself up while Steve keeps a hand behind her for support. "Cap! Rachel! Come in. Are you okay?" Sam frantically asks through comms, worried about his teammates. "Yeah, we're here. We're still on the helicarriers" Steve replies as he starts climbing onto the carrier with Rachel's help. "Where are you?" Rachel asks Sam. "I'm grounded. The suit's down. Sorry guys" Sam apologises in defeat. "Don't worry, I got it" Steve assures Sam.

"Rach, you need to go. Now" Steve states when they reach the carrier's landing deck. "What? No" Rachel objects instantly. "Bucky's gonna be there, I can't let you get hurt" Steve argues. "Steve, I can help you" she responds and Steve sighs. "Listen, I can insert the chip while you distract Bucky. I'm not letting you go down there alone" she states stubbornly. Steve sighs, knowing there's no convincing her. "You may need my help with Bucky" she suggests and Steve starts shaking his head. 'I can't let him hurt her again' he thinks before looking at the bruises on her neck. "Steve" she says as she takes his hands in hers, causing him to meet her eyes. "I'll be okay, I promise" she assures him with a smile. Steve gives her a reluctant nod before they make their way to the console.

They arrive to see Bucky standing in front of the console, waiting for their arrival. Steve takes their remaining targeting chip from his belt and passes it to Rachel. "Be careful" Rachel says as she takes the chip and places it in her own belt. "You too" Steve replies before taking a few steps forward. "People are gonna die, Buck. I can't let that happen. Please don't make me do this" Steve pleads with his old friend who only stares at him blankly. Steve throws his shield at Bucky and the fight begins. Bucky fires at Steve and Steve uses his shield to block his attempts. However, one bullet passes the shield and catches Steve's side, he grunts in pain before ramming his shield into Bucky, knocking him off his feet.

Rachel uses this opportunity to run past them and start clicking buttons on the console. While she's pressing buttons Bucky kicks her and she hits the handrail and lands on the ground. She groans as she rolls over and sees Bucky preparing to attack her again. She quickly slides underneath the handrail and hangs underneath it. Luckily, Steve's back on his feet and has distracted Bucky from her. Bucky tackles Steve and they both go over the railing, landing on a platform just below.

Rachel starts climbing her way back to the console, using the railing underneath the bridge as monkey bars. When Steve and Bucky fall onto the glass floor, Steve glances up at Rachel to make sure she's okay. But while Steve's checking on her, Bucky's raising his gun and fires at her. The bullet catches her upper arm and she shouts in pain and is forced to let go. She falls from the railing and Steve runs forward to catch her. He catches her and they both land on the floor with a groan. "You okay?" Steve asks as he looks at her now bleeding arm. "I'm okay" she assures him as they both climb to their feet.

Bucky charges at the pair, Steve engages in hand to hand combat with him now that he no longer has his shield. Rachel runs across the glass to make her way back up to the console. Once Bucky has dealt with Steve he starts running after Rachel and due to his super soldier serum, he catches up to her quickly. He tackles her to the ground and Rachel starts fighting her way out of his grip with the targeting chip in her hand. Rachel's attempts to break free from his grip become futile while Steve runs to help her. Bucky knocks her unconscious and takes the chip from her hand but before he can do anything else Steve starts fighting him to get the chip back.

Steve manages to get Bucky's arm in a lock and demands he drop the chip but Bucky refuses and keeps trying to get loose. As a solution, Steve dislocates Bucky's arm and he screams out in pain before getting Bucky in a chokehold. Bucky loses consciousness and drops the chip when his hand relaxes. Steve grabs the chip and runs to the platform, glancing at Rachel on his way past, seeing her chest rising and falling. He jumps up to the platform and starts running when Bucky regains consciousness and shoots Steve's leg, causing him to fall. Steve continues up the platform and to the console with Bucky firing a second bullet that hits his arm.

Rachel starts to regain consciousness when Steve reaches the console and she sees him limp to it. "30 seconds, Cap" Maria informs him through comms. "Stand by" Steve states as he pulls the chip from his belt. Before Steve can place the chip in the console, Bucky fires a bullet and hits Steve's abdomen. "Steve!" Rachel yells in worry and sends a force of energy at Bucky, knocking him off his feet and causing him to be disoriented. Steve glances down at his abdomen to see the blood seeping through his uniform while Rachel starts running towards Steve. Steve climbs back up to the console and inserts the chip. "Charlie lock" he breathes before collapsing back to the floor. "Okay, Cap, Vi get out of there" Maria tells them. "Fire now" Steve orders and Maria starts objecting. "Do it!" Steve replies. "Do it Maria" Rachel orders.

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