Chapter 82

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The Avengers and Thanos' army charge towards each other and the fight ensues. Steve and Rachel fight side by side, defending each other and the people around them. "Cap, what do you want me to do with this damn thing?" Clint asks in a panic. "Get those stones as far away as possible!" Steve shouts back before attacking a creature with mjolnir. "No! We need to get them back where they came from" Bruce argues. "No way to get them back. Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel" Tony states through comms. "Hold on. That wasn't our only time machine" Scott says and the beeping of a vehicle can be heard.

Steve rushes up a pile of debris to look for it. "Does anyone see an ugly, brown van out there?" he asks everyone. "Yes, but you're not gonna like where it's parked" Valkyrie answers. "Scott, how long you need to get that thing working?" Tony asks. "Maybe 10 minutes" he answers. "Get it started. We'll get the stones to you" Steve orders. "We're on it Cap" Hope replies before heading to the van with Scott.

The gauntlet is passed between the Avengers to prevent Thanos or any of his soldiers from getting it. Eventually, Spiderman has it as Thanos' ship fires at the battlefield. Debris and mud fly across the battlefield with each blast from the ship and Rachel runs towards Steve before raising a barrier above their heads. She manages to hold it while blasts continue to hit it and she strains against it. "Somebody help" Spiderman pleads. "Hey Queens, heads up" Steve says before throwing the hammer towards him.

The blasts become more frequent and Rachel feels the blood dripping from her nose until the blasts suddenly stop. Rachel lowers the barrier and pants while Steve keeps an arm around her for support. "I'm alright" she assures him as they look up to see Carol Danvers destroying Thanos' ship. "Danvers, we need an assist here" Steve tells her before she makes her way to Peter for the gauntlet.

"I'm going to help them get the stones to the van" Rachel tells Steve as she stands straight. "Okay, just be careful" he replies as he wipes the blood from under her nose. "You too" she responds with a smile. He pecks her lips before she runs towards Carol and Peter. She arrives with some other women as Peter says "I don't know how you're gonna get through all that". Wanda lands beside Carol and smiles at Rachel. "Don't worry" she says. "She's got help" Rachel adds before all women look to Thanos' army.

They all run towards the army and give Carol a path straight to the van. Thanos prepares to stop Carol but Pepper, Shuri and Hope sends blasts at him to stop him. Carol flies past and straight towards the van but Thanos throws his sword and destroys the van, causing an explosion. The explosion sends everyone near by back with a strong force.

Tony, Thor and Steve try stopping Thanos from getting the gauntlet. Rachel climbs to her feet, recovering from the blast to see Thanos throw Steve to the ground and punch him and he lies unconscious on the ground. She charges towards Thanos while Carol tries stopping him. When Carol has the upper hand, Thanos removes the power stone from the gauntlet and punches her, sending her across the battlefield.

When Thanos stands to his feet and re-places the power stone into the gauntlet, Rachel throws a ball of energy at him which knocks him back a few steps. She steps in front of Thanos before throwing more balls of energy and large pieces of debris at him. Thanos stumbles back with every blow before using the stones to raise a shield. He advances on her while she continues to attack him but he gets so close and sends a blast from the gauntlet at her so she raises a barrier. The force of the blast sends her away from him and she lands a few feet away from Steve.

Rachel groans in pain as she crawls towards Steve and holds his face in her hands. "Steve" she says, trying to get him to wake up. "Come on, babe, please" she begs and he groans before opening his eyes. She sighs in relief and smiles down at him. He looks up at his wife and takes note of the blood running from her nose and her exhausted expression. She's definitely exerted herself since she last slept and she's about ready to pass out. He sits up and wraps an arm around her waist before they look to see Thanos' soldiers turning to dust. They help each other to their feet with relieved smiles before they turn to see Tony stumbling against a pile of rubble.

They're only stood a few feet away from Tony when he finally sits against the rubble and Rhodey arrives and kneels in front of Tony. Peter lands in front of Tony and kneels in front of him, taking his hand and starts talking to him as he starts to cry. Rachel wraps an arm around Steve's waist as she feels her eyes fill with tears and begins to feel the need for help staying on her feet as her adrenaline rush comes to an end. He pulls her into his side as Pepper tells Tony that they're gonna be okay. "You can rest now" she assures him with a smile before the light on Tony's chest finally dims and stops. She sobs onto his shoulder while everyone around them watches sadly with their own tears collecting in their eyes.

Everyone kneels from behind Pepper and Tony, showing their profound respect for Tony. Rachel releases Steve to kneel as he falls to his knee beside her. Everyone remains silent, giving Pepper the time and space she needs. Rachel feels the tears falling down her own cheeks and reaches for Steve's hand, grateful that they're both alive. He squeezes her hand, also feeling grateful that she's alright, besides needing hours, possibly days of sleep. They both watch Pepper silently, thankful they don't have to go through the pain that they can only assume is unimaginable.

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