Chapter 70

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Wanda starts to destroy the stone with her powers while everyone else tries to slow Thanos down long enough for her to finish. Wanda soon uses both hands to destroy it faster while Thanos finds a way to stop everyone from slowing him down. Rachel runs towards him and sends a barrier of her energy to him in an attempt to send him off balance but he only raises his gauntlet and uses the stones to knock her off her feet. She starts to climb to her feet while Steve fights Thanos himself. She watches as he punches his knees and then his jaw before catching the gauntlet in his hands. He uses all his strength to hold Thanos' hand in place and he begins to scream. Rachel forces herself to her feet just before she sees Thanos punch Steve in the face, knocking him to the ground where he lies still. She prays that he's ok as she prepares to hold Thanos off by herself.

She raises a hand and uses her energy to force him back but Thanos creates a shield with one of the stones. She raises her other hand and uses as much of her strength and energy as she can to hold him back while Wanda destroys the stone. She feels the blood dripping from her nose as Thanos pushes against her but she refuses to stop and allow Thanos the chance to get to Vision. She hears Wanda's sobs from behind her and feels her own eyes filling with tears, sorry for what she has to go through, what she has to lose.

Once the stone is destroyed, it causes an explosion and Wanda and Rachel are sent off their feet while Thanos remains standing, only losing his balance. Wanda lands on the ground and sobs while Rachel hits a tree and is knocked unconscious.


Steve slowly regains consciousness and groans as he climbs to his feet. He notices the silence and quickly looks around. His eyes land on Rachel who lies unconscious a few feet away from him. He rushes towards her and she regains consciousness as he reaches her. "Rach" he says as he kneels beside her. Rachel's eyes land on him and she's relieved to see him alive and conscious. "Steve" she sighs. "You're ok" she adds in relief. "Yeah, I'm ok" he smiles sadly as he helps her to her feet. They both see Thor standing beside his axe and share a confused glance when they realise Thanos is gone. "Where'd he go?" Steve asks as he starts looking around. "Thor, where'd he go?" he repeats when Thor only looks at him stunned.

"Steve?" Bucky calls and Steve and Rachel turn to see Bucky turn to dust. Steve makes his way towards the pile of dust on the floor and kneels to touch it hesitantly. Cries and screams of distress and fear are heard throughout the battlefield as more people turn to dust. Steve quickly stands and looks at Rachel, terrified that she's about to disappear too. That fear is mutual as Rachel walks towards him and takes his hand. They find some of the others and everyone looks petrified and exhausted. Although, none of them are as exhausted as Rachel as the adrenaline starts to wear off and she starts to feel the extent of her exhaustion. She clings to Steve as they make their way to Vision's body.

Steve kneels beside Vision while Rachel keeps a hand on his shoulder to steady herself. He rolls Vision's now black and white body to reveal the mind stone missing form his forehead. Rachel gasps and raises a hand to cover her mouth as she realises what's happened. Not only did Thanos win. But Wanda killed the love of her life for nothing. "What is this? What the hell is happening?" Rhodey questions but no one answers. Everyone remains completely silent. "Oh god" Steve mutters, breaking the silence for a second. Rachel falls to her knees beside him, panting from fear and exhaustion.


All of those who didn't disappear gather together to try and decide what to do next. Ultimately, they decide to return to Avengers compound and use their own resources while those left in Wakanda decide what to do now that their king is gone. Rachel is quiet throughout the discussion and on the way to the quinjet to leave for the compound. Before they reach the jet, Steve pulls her aside, noticing her silence. "Talk to me" he encourages when she meets his gaze. "He did it. They're gone. And Wanda..." she starts but stops when she can feel the tears pricking her eyes and looks away from him. Steve strokes her arms for comfort, giving her the time to say it. "She killed Vision and it didn't even mean anything" she finishes as she looks back at him. He slowly nods, furrowing his brows in sadness. "And I'm... I'm so tired Steve" she admits as the tears finally start to roll down her cheeks. "I know. It's ok, you can sleep on the jet" he assures her as he wipes the tears from her cheeks and pulls her into a hug. They both know that her tiredness is only adding to her emotions. She's obviously upset but her exhaustion is making it harder for her to contain it or deal with it.

Once they're on the jet Rachel practically collapses onto a few of the chairs and lies down. Steve watches her before meeting Nat at the front to take off. "Go sit with her Steve" Nat urges him once they've taken off. "You're both lucky you still have each other. I know you want to be sitting with her right now" she adds with an assuring smile. He nods and stands as he rests a hand on her shoulder as a thank you. He reaches Rachel and she's already crashed out so he sits next to her hips and brushes the hair from her face. He sits beside her for the entirely silent and sorrowful journey home.

I Can't Help It - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now