Chapter 62

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Rachel, Steve and Bucky sit silently inside the jet as Steve takes off and Nat holds T'Challa off long enough for them to get away. Rachel worries what will happen to Nat for letting them get away and she worries about what will happen to those who helped them. Sam, Scott, Wanda, Clint. Bucky seems to be thinking about the same thing as he breaks the silence. "What's gonna happen to your friends?" he asks and Steve sighs. "Whatever it is, I'll deal with it" he answers. "We'll deal with it" Rachel corrects him, dedicated to helping her friends. "I don't know if I'm worth all this Steve" Bucky states quietly. "What you did all those years, it wasn't you. You didn't have a choice" Steve assures Bucky as best he can. "I know. But I did it" Bucky replies and the jet becomes silent once again.

Rachel wants to assure Bucky that it wasn't him, she knows what it's like to be controlled by others. "I know you think it's your fault. But it's not" she tells Bucky. "You had no control. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself" she adds when Bucky looks over at her. He only nods at her silently and looks away, staring out of the window. Rachel looks away from Bucky to see Steve already looking at her from over her shoulder. He gives her a small smile of thanks and she returns her own smile before relaxing in her seat and Steve turns his attention back to the controls.

They arrive in Siberia and Bucky gets a gun from Natasha's station on the jet while Steve and Rachel collect their own gear. "Are you ok? How are you feeling?" Steve asks her, being cautious of how much she's using her powers, especially after wearing the cuffs for so long. "I'm ok Steve. I feel fine, I promise" she assures him with a smile, knowing how cautious he's being. He nods slowly and she pulls him into a quick hug. "It's gonna be ok" she assures him and he tightens the hug gratefully. "Thank you" he whispers before they pull apart.

"You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?" Steve asks Bucky while they all wait for the jet door to open. "Was that the time you used our train money to buy hotdogs?" Bucky replies with his own question and Rachel can't help the smile that spreads over her face. However, she remains silent, wanting to give them their moment. She knows how much this means to Steve. "You blew three bucks trying win that stuffed bear for a redhead" Steve states, causing them both to chuckle. "What was her name again?" Bucky asks with a frown. "Dolores. You called her Dot" Steve answers. "She's gotta be a hundred years old right now" Bucky says with a smile. "So are we pal" Steve responds and pats Bucky's shoulder. "Don't remind me that I'm dating a hundred year old" Rachel comments and they both laugh at her before exiting the jet.

They approach the open base door with their weapons at the ready. "He can't have been here more than a few hours" Steve states with confidence. "Long enough to wake them up" Bucky states before they all make their way inside. They all stand silently in the lift as it makes its way down, as the lift comes to a stop they all give each other a nod of assurance before Steve opens the door. Bucky exits first with his gun raised and checking every corner. Steve urges Rachel out ahead of him so she follows Bucky with her gun at the ready. Having used her powers a lot recently and the effects of the cuffs are still wearing off, she figures starting with a gun will do her good, only using her powers when necessary. Steve follows closely behind her with his shield raised, prepared for any attack from the super soldiers.

The three keep their backs to the wall as they start to ascend a flight of stairs when a noise is heard from the lift. They all turn abruptly, waiting for the soldier to exit the lift. "You ready?" Steve asks. "Yeah" Bucky and Rachel reply together. They watch as the lift doors are pulled open to reveal Tony in his Iron Man suit. Steve makes his way forwards, with his shield still raised while Tony removes his mask. "You seem a little defensive" he states with a shrug and Rachel steps down the stairs. "It's been a long day" Steve argues, keeping his shield up. "At ease Soldier, I'm not currently after you" Tony tells Bucky, who hasn't move his gun from Tony. "Then why are you here?" Steve questions. "Maybe your story's not so crazy. Maybe. Ross has no idea I'm here, I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself" Tony answers as he leans against a pillar casually. "Well that sounds like a lot of paperwork" Steve replies and lowers his shield, causing Tony to chuckle. Rachel relaxes and lowers her gun when she sees Steve relax.

"It's good to see you Tony" Steve greets with a nod. "You too, Cap" Tony reciprocates before looking at Rachel and then Bucky. "Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. There's a truce here, you can drop the..." Tony says to Bucky, noticing his gun still pointed at him. Steve gestures for Bucky to lower his gun and Bucky obliges before they all make their way through the base.

They all remain as silent and vigilant as possible, checking every corner and keeping their weapons raised. "I got heat signatures" Tony states as they enter a room. "How many?" Steve asks. "One" Tony answers confused. They all enter to see the cryo chambers of all the super soldiers. They walk towards the chambers to see all soldiers with bullet holes in their foreheads. "If it's any comfort, they died in their sleep" a voice assures them over a speaker system. They all look around frantically for the voice as it continues. "Did you really think I wanted more of you?" it asks them. "What the hell" Bucky comments and Rachel shares a concerned glance with Steve. "I'm grateful for them though. They brought you here" the voice adds before a light comes on across the room and Tony raises his gauntlet at Zemo on the other side of the window. Steve throws his shield at him but it bounces back so he catches it and reattaches it to his arm.

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