Chapter 56

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Rachel sits beside Steve in the van and stares at the handcuffs wrapped around her wrists. She takes note of how different she feels, the handcuffs are reducing her energy a lot more than the bracelet she wore last year. At least with the bracelet she managed to adjust but with the handcuffs, she can't seem to. She assumes they're designed to keep her energy low while restricting her powers, rather than just restrict her powers, like the bracelet did. The only question is, who designed them?

"Rach, are you ok?" Steve asks her. She looks over at him and smiles tiredly. "I'm ok. I'm just tired" she assures him with a nod but he still watches her attentively. He doesn't believe that she's just tired. He knows what the bracelet did to her while she was back at the agency and he can see that the handcuffs are doing the same, if not more. "I'll be ok, don't worry" she assures him when she sees the concern cover his face. "I can't help it" he mutters with a small smile and she smiles back at him before resting her head on his shoulder.

"So, you like cats?" Sam asks T'Challa after a few minutes of silence. "Sam" Steve warns. "What? Dude shows up dressed as a cat and you don't wanna know more?" Sam questions Steve and Rachel chuckles. "You dress like a bird and no one questions you about it" she points out with a smile and Sam rolls his eyes. "Your suit, it's vibranium?" Steve asks T'Challa. "The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations. A mantle, passed from warrior to warrior. And now, because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of King. So, I ask you as both warrior and King, how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?" T'Challa asks in response and Rachel feels Steve turn away and look out the window in response.

They arrive at the facility and they're all escorted out of the van. They remove everyone's handcuffs except for Rachel's and Steve isn't happy about it. He walks towards Sharon Carter and the man clearly in charge, with his arm wrapped around Rachel. "Take these off of her now" he orders them as they come to a stop. "No can do" the man replies. "This is Everett Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander" Sharon introduces the man. "Come on, she won't use her powers. Just take the cuffs off" Sam argues to the man. "No one is removing those cuffs" Everett Ross replies casually and Steve sighs in frustration. "Steve, just leave it" Rachel states in defeat as she leans on him a little.

They hear some noise from behind them and turn to see Bucky being held in a glass container, being moved through the facility. "What's gonna happen to him?" Steve asks. "Same thing that ought to happen to you, psychological evaluation and extradition" Everett Ross answers coldly. "What about a lawyer?" Steve suggests and Everett Ross starts to chuckle. "Lawyer, that's funny" he comments. "See their weapons are placed in lockup. We'll write you a receipt" he orders the men carrying their weapons and uniforms. "I better not look out the window and see anyone flying around in that" Sam states as they all follow Everett Ross through the facility.

"You'll be provided with an office, instead of a cell. Do me a favour, stay in it" Everett Ross explains to them. "Believe me, I don't plan on going anywhere" T'Challa replies as Nat approaches the group. Then she realises Rachel tucked under Steve's arm and she sees the cuffs around her wrists. "Rachel, are you ok?" she asks worriedly. "I'm ok" Rachel answers with her best smile. "The cuffs are restricting her powers and draining her energy" Steve explains without hiding his anger about it. "I'll see what I can do" Nat assures them.

"And for the record, this is what making things worse looks like" she states to Steve as she glances around the group. "He's alive" Steve responds with no shame. Although, he feels guilty for getting Rachel involved. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be in these handcuffs. They enter the controls centre to see Tony on the phone but Rachel drowns the conversation out while she tries to focus on conserving her energy.

"Consequences?" Steve questions when Tony's off the phone. "Secretary Ross wants you three prosecuted. I had to give him something" Tony answers. "I'm not getting that shield back am I?" Steve assumes knowingly. "Technically, it's the governments property. Wings too" Nat answers. "That's cold" Sam comments. "Warmer than jail" Tony replies quickly. "Come on, let's sit you down" Steve tells Rachel and leads her into a conference room. "I'm ok Steve. I'm just gonna have to relax until these things get taken off" she assures him as she sits at the table and Steve stands in front of the camera screens.

"Hey, you wanna see something cool? I pulled something from Dad's archives. Felt timely" Tony says as he enters the room. "And they should be changing some settings on those any second now" he adds as he points at the handcuffs. "What?" Rachel asks in disbelief. "They're going to lower the intensity so you aren't so drained" he explains and she nods before she feels some energy return to her and the cuffs beep once. She takes deep breaths of relief. "That feels better" she nods and gives Steve an assuring nod as he watches her. "Thank you" she says to Tony but Tony raises his hands. "Don't thank me, thank Nat. She gave them an ear-full" he chuckles and Rachel chuckles along with him.

"What'd they do?" she asks as she looks at the cuffs. "They can change the intensity of them. They'll always restrict your powers so long as their on you but they can change how tired they make you. Nat managed to convince them to turn it down, but not off" he explains and she nods. "I want you to know, I didn't design those. I would've never designed those, even if they begged me to" he assures her. "I know Tony" she nods with a smile and he's grateful to hear that.

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