Chapter 74

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"So I went on a date the other day. You know, I'm sitting there at dinner. I didn't even know what to talk about" one civilians starts as Steve sits with a group, trying to be the support they need after losing their loved ones. "What did you talk about?" Steve questions with a kind smile. "Same old crap, you know. How things have changed, my job, his job, how much we miss the mets. Then things got quiet, he cried as they were serving the salads" the civilians answers. "What about you?" an older man asks. "I cried just before dessert" the civilian answers before turning to look at Steve. "But I'm seeing him again tomorrow, so..." he adds with a nod.

Steve smiles at him and nods. "That's great. You did the hardest part, you took the jump and didn't know where you would come down. And that's it, that's those little brave baby steps we gotta take. To try to make us feel whole again, to find purpose... I went in the ice in '45, right after falling in love. Woke up seventy years later, and found my wife. You gotta move on" he nods with a small smile, thinking about Rachel. "The world is in our hands. It's left to us guys, and we gotta do something with it. Otherwise, Thanos should've killed all of us" he adds and the group nods along.


Steve walks through the front door of his new home, his home of five years. As soon as the door closes he hears two small pairs of feet running through the house. Two small children, one boy, one girl round the corner. "Daddy!" they both yell happily as they run straight towards him. He kneels to the floor and embraces them both with a smile. He raises his head at the sound of someone walking towards him to see Rachel exiting the kitchen. He releases the kids and stands to walk towards her. "Hey baby" he greets, pulling her towards him by her hand. "Hey babe" she smiles as she wraps him in a hug.

"How'd it go?" she asks as she rests her head on his chest and her arms around his waist. "It was ok. You guys ready to go?" he replies while holding her close to his chest. "Yep, just need to put their shoes on" she answers they both look down when the kids start hugging their legs. "Alright you two, go get your shoes" Steve says and they both run off to get their shoes. Steve and Rachel pull away and he quickly pecks her lips before they help Natalie and James get their shoes on. They had Natalie Sarah Rogers not long after the blip, she's almost 5 years old and had James Clinton Rogers a year later so he's almost 4 years old.

Once everyone is ready, Rachel and Steve strap the kids in and make their way to the compound.


When they arrive at the compound they find Nat crying at her desk and Rachel looks sadly while holding Natalie's hand. "I'd offer to cook you dinner, but you seem pretty miserable already" Steve states, trying to make her smile while holding James up on his hip. Natalie lets go of Rachel's hand and runs over to Nat, reaching up to her. Nat lifts her into her lap and Natalie wraps her in a hug before sitting comfortably in her lap as Steve and Rachel sit at the desk, James sitting on Steve's lap.

"You know, we saw a pod of whales on our way across the bridge" Steve states. "In the Hudson?" Nat questions. "There's fewer ships, cleaner water" he replies. "They were really big" Natalie says, spreading her arms out to show Nat. "Really?" she replies to Natalie before looking back at Steve. "If you're about to tell me to look on the bright side, I'm about to hit you in the head with a peanut butter sandwich" she threatens and Rachel chuckles at her, catching James' attention. "Sorry. Force of habit" Steve apologises as James reaches for Rachel before passing him over and he sits in his mother's lap.

"You heard anything about Clint?" Rachel reluctantly asks and Nat sighs. "Rhodey's finding out where he's going next" she answers and Rachel nods. "Will you let me know when you find him?" she asks sadly. "Of course" Nat answers, swallowing her tears as they both share a comforting smile. "You know, I keep telling everyone they should move on, grow. Some do, but not us" Steve states. "If I move on, who does this?" Nat questions hopelessly. "Maybe it doesn't need to be done" Rachel answers, and she and Steve watch Nat sigh sadly.

"I used to have nothing, and then I got this. This job, this family. And I was better because of it. And even though they're gone, I'm still trying to be better" Nat explains with a teary smile, causing Natalie to cuddle into her. Rachel wipes the tear than falls down her cheek, knowing how much all of this has meant to Nat. It's meant a lot to her too. "I think it's about time you got a life" Rachel suggests with a sniffle and Nat chuckles a little. "You deserve it Nat" she adds seriously and Nat nods slowly.

A holographic message appears above the desk and Nat swipes to open it. "Hi, hi, is anyone home?" a frantic Scott Lang asks and the three turn their heads to the live security footage. "This is, uh, Scott Lang. We met a few years ago at the airport in Germany. I was the guy that got really big. I had a mask on" Scott explains to the camera as the three stand from their seats in shock, Nat and Rachel still holding the kids. "Is this an old message?" Steve asks as Scott continues to describe himself. "It's the front gate" Nat answers hopefully. They all share a shocked glance before allow Scott into the compound.

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