Chapter 66

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2 years later Rachel lies with Steve in their hotel room. She lies against his chest as he stares at the ceiling. "Is this our life now?" Rachel asks quietly. "What do you mean?" Steve asks. "This, being on the run. Is this what our life is? Don't you want more?" she explains as she sits up and leans on her elbow to look at his face, now accompanied by an attractive beard. "Of course I want more with you" he assures her as he sits up as well. He raises his hand to her cheek and strokes it with his thumb. She smiles at him, happy to hear they're on the same page. "We'll figure something out, don't worry" he states with a smile and she smiles back before lying back down on his chest.

Later that night, Steve's phone rings, waking both him and Rachel. Steve quickly leans over to his bedside table and picks up the phone. Rachel settles back against his chest while he answers it. "Hello?" he asks tiredly. "Bruce?" he questions and Rachel looks up at him surprised. "Bruce, slow down" Steve says as he sits up, causing Rachel to sit up too. "Ok, we're on it" Steve answers after a few seconds of silence and hangs up the phone. "What's going on?" Rachel asks. "I'll explain on the way. Suit up" he answers before getting up and going next door to wake Nat and Sam.

They all suit up and get on the jet where Steve explains that someone called Thanos, is collecting all of the infinity stones and that they need to find Vision before Thanos' soldiers do. So they all head to Scotland where they know Vision and Wanda were last. They just hope that they're still there and that Thanos' soldiers haven't found them already.


They all arrive in Scotland and prepare to attack the aliens already attacking Wanda and Vision. Steve stands across the train tracks and the aliens catch sight of him as a train goes past. Once the train is clear, Steve stands completely still as the female alien throws her spear at him. He catches it with ease before stepping forwards and out of the shadows to reveal his face. While the aliens are distracted by Steve, Sam flies in and kicks the female one through a shop window while Nat and Rachel run towards the remaining alien. Rachel throws energy at it to knock it off balance and Steve throws the spear at Nat, who catches it and attacks the alien with it. When Nat stabs it in the abdomen, Rachel quickly kicks it off its feet.

The female alien charges towards Nat and Rachel and summons her spear back to her hands, from Nat's. She jumps towards them, ready to stab Rachel who's standing closest to her. Steve quickly rolls towards them, picking up the male alien's spear and uses it to stop the female from attacking Rachel. While Steve, Nat and Rachel fight the female, Sam flies in and kicks her off her feet. She lands besides the injured alien and orders him to get up. "We don't wanna kill you but we will" Nat states to her threateningly. "You'll never get the chance again" the female replies and touches her partner and they're beamed up to their ship, taking the spear from Steve's hands in the process.

They make their way towards Wanda and Vision and Sam helps Vision to his feet. He and Wanda support Vision while Steve, Rachel and Nat stand in front of them. "Thank you, Captain" Vision says with a grateful nod. "Let's get you on the jet" Steve replies and leads them to the jet.

"Now I thought we had a deal. Stay close, check in, don't take any chances" Nat states to Wanda and Vision sternly. "I'm sorry. We just wanted time" Wanda apologises to them all and meets Rachel's gaze. Rachel offers her an understanding smile. The last 2 years haven't been easy on any of them and she understands wanting some kind of normal with the person you love. That's all she's wanted with Steve. "Where to, Cap?" Sam asks from the pilot's seat. Steve remains silent for a few seconds before looking at Rachel, who's walking towards him. She nods with a small smile and he looks over at Sam. "Home" he answers.


They land the jet at Avengers Compound, a place they haven't been to in 2 years. Steve stands still as he waits for the jet door to open and Rachel takes his hand. He pulls his gaze from the opening door to the woman standing beside him. "We'll be ok" she whispers in assurance and he smiles at her before pulling her into a side hug.

They all enter a room to see Rhodey talking to a hologram of Secretary Ross, they both turn to see Steve, Rachel and Nat walking in with Sam, Wanda and Vision following them. "Mr Secretary" Steve greets. "You've got some nerve, I'll give you that" he replies as he walks towards them. "You could use some of that right now" Rachel states, but Ross ignores her and addresses Steve. "The world's on fire, and you think all is forgiven" he questions. "I'm not looking for forgiveness and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender so we're here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way, we'll fight you too" Steve challenges him confidently. Ross turns around to Rhodey and orders that he arrest them. "All over it" Rhodey answers and ends the call, causing all the holograms to disappear.

"That's a court-martial" Rhodey shrugs with a smile. "It's great to see you Cap" he greets, offering a hand. "You too Rhodey" Steve replies as he accepts his hand and they share a hug. Nat steps forwards to greet him as well while Rachel remembers the last time she saw Rhodey. He dropped her out of the sky, without thinking twice about it. However, she steps forward to greet him as well and they share a hug. "Listen, I'm sorry about..." he starts but doesn't seem to know how to phrase it. "It's ok, thank you" Rachel replies with a smile, thankful to hear an apology.

"Wow. You guys, really look like crap. Must've been a rough couple of years" Rhodey states to the group. "Yeah, well the hotels weren't exactly five star" Sam replies, causing everyone to smile. "I think you look great" Bruce interjects, making his presence known. "Uh, yeah. I'm back" he chuckles when everyone looks at him stunned. "Hi Bruce" Nat greets with a smile. "Nat" Bruce nods awkwardly and Rachel shares a glance with Steve. "This is awkward" Sam mutters.

I Can't Help It - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now