Chapter 14

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Once Loki, the sceptre and the tesseract were detained and put somewhere safe, the group of Avengers gather in the shawarma joint and try some shawarma, like Tony had asked. They've all ordered and are digging into their meals while starting conversations across the table.

"So Forbes, what's this purple stuff you do?" Tony asks Rachel while imitating the hand and finger movements she does. She chuckles at his hand movements and quickly swallows her mouthful. "I have telekinesis so I can move things with my mind, essentially. And I can create barriers and balls of the same energy" she explains as best she can, since she's barely used them she's unaware of any other abilities she may or may not have. "And the nose bleeds?" Nat questions and gestures to her own nose. "Using them takes a toll on me so my nose bleeds and I get more and more exhausted. I think that's because I've barely used them since I got them so my body's unfamiliar with the energy and strength it takes" she answers with a small shrug. "So the more you use them the better and stronger you'll be with them?" Clint assumes and she gives him a nod. "How'd you get them?" Bruce asks curiously.

"Uhh" Rachel hesitates before turning to Steve. He gives her a sympathetic and supportive smile and she ends up repeating his words in her mind. 'I figure if you want to tell me, you will'. She sighs and smiles back at him before looking back at Bruce. "I was experimented on" she states simply, not wanting to give anymore information which everyone seems to notice. Everyone nods their head, knowing not to ask any questions about it.

Another conversation starts between the group and Rachel relaxes at the fact that they didn't ask anymore questions about how she got her powers. She looks at Steve to see him smiling at her with sympathy, knowing there's more to the story that she's unwilling to tell, likely because it isn't pleasant. She only gives him an assuring smile before relaxing in her seat and listening to the conversations between her teammates, too exhausted to have conversations of her own.

Once everyone finishes their shawarma they leave to see Thor and Loki off to Asgard with the tesseract. Everyone gathers around the Asgardians as Thor gives them all a nod goodbye before turning the device and both Thor and Loki disappear to Asgard.

Rachel makes her way to Nat and Clint before pulling them both into a group hug. "Take care of each other" she says as the three squeeze each other tight. Nat and Clint are being sent straight out on a mission together while Rachel's being called back to Shield HQ. "We will" Clint replies as they pull away. "Take care of yourself" Nat tells Rachel and she smiles back. "I will, don't worry. I've got these" she states as she makes a small ball of energy in the palm of her hand. Nat and Clint chuckle at her before giving her one more hug and get into their car.

Rachel turns to see Tony and Steve shaking hands before Tony gets in his luxurious car with Bruce in the passenger. Tony gives Rachel a wave, accompanied with a smile and Rachel waves back before Tony speeds off, leaving just Steve and Rachel to say their goodbyes. "Where are you heading now?" Steve asks her. "I don't know, I'm being called to meet with Fury so I assume, now that he knows about my powers, he has some unique missions for me" Rachel shrugs in response with a smile. "Right, well look after yourself and be careful" he nods. "You too Steve" Rachel responds before pulling him in for a hug. He wraps his arms around her waist while she wraps hers around his neck. "Remember, you can call me whenever" she states before pulling away. "I know" he smiles before they both leave.

Rachel arrives at Shield HQ and finds Fury immediately. "Sir" she greets. "Agent Forbes, I have a mission for you" he responds. "I figured as much" she chuckles and he smiles at her slightly. "However, I have questions first" he adds and Rachel nods, signalling him to continue. "Your powers. What are they? Are there limitations? And why have you kept them hidden?" he questions and Rachel sighs in response to some of them. "I can make shields and balls of energy, and move things with my mind. There are limitations, using them takes a toll on me. It tires me, but I believe I'll get stronger the more I use them. I kept them hidden because I was scared, no one has ever revealed powers like these before and I didn't know how people would react" Rachel answers as best she can while he nods in understanding. "They'll be going in your file" he states. "Yes sir" she agrees, waiting for him to brief her on her mission.

"I've selected this mission because of your abilities, here's the mission briefing" he states, handing her a file. "You'll complete this mission before you're relocated to Washington DC, hopefully along with someone else" he adds and Rachel frowns. "Someone else?" she questions. "Yes, I plan to ask Rogers to join Shield" Fury explains and Rachel nods her head. "Do you think he'll join?" Fury asks and Rachel's surprised that he'd ask her. "I'm not sure. Why would I know?" she questions in confusion. "You two seem to have become close since he's come out of the ice" Fury states and Rachel bites back a smile. He has a point. "I think he'd like some time to settle first, sir" Rachel suggests and Fury nods. "Alright then, you'll ask him once you complete this mission. I imagine it will take you some time" he explains and Rachel nods in response. "Thank you Violet" Fury says with a grateful nod, referring to her new alias, given to her by the public when she revealed her powers. "Thank you sir" Rachel nods with a chuckle at the alias before leaving to prepare for her mission.

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