Chapter 59

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Steve stops the car under a bridge where they all see Sharon waiting for them. Rachel sits in the passenger seat with her head resting on the headrest while Sam and Bucky sit in the backseats.. "Not sure you understand the concept of a getaway car" Sharon states as Steve approaches her. "It's low profile" Steve replies. "Good, cause this stuff tends to draw a crowd" she states and open the boot of her car, revealing their gear. "I owe you again" Steve states. "I'm keeping a list" she replies before looking at the three still sitting in the car. "I can remove her handcuffs too" she says as she nods to Rachel. "Really?" Steve asks in disbelief. "I need her out here though" she replies as she raises the controller for the handcuffs. Steve nods before walking over to get Rachel.

He opens her car door to help her out since she can barely stand on her own now. The intensity has been turned up again and she's only gotten more and more tired. "What are you doing?" Rachel pants. "She's gonna take the cuffs off" Steve answers with a smile as he helps her out. Rachel nods as she leans on Steve and he supports her as they slowly walk over to Sharon. Rachel raises her wrists when they reach Sharon and she presses a button as she points the controller at the cuffs. The cuffs beep briefly before falling from her wrists and hitting the ground. Almost as soon as they hit the ground, Steve stamps his boot into them, destroying them entirely. He's not taking any chances, if they were the only handcuffs they had then perfect because they weren't getting them back. Rachel feels the rush of energy return and takes a refreshing, deep breath before standing straight, no longer needing Steve to lean on.

"Thank you" she nods at Sharon gratefully and Sharon returns it with a smile. She glances back at the car, spotting Bucky in the backseat. "You know he kind of tried to kill me" she states. "Sorry. I'll put it on the list too" Steve replies with a smile. "They're gonna come looking for you" Rachel warns her. "I know" Sharon replies with a shrug. "Thank you Sharon" Steve says with a nod before Sharon says "I should go". They say goodbye and Steve and Rachel return to the car. "You feeling better?" Steve asks Rachel as they close their doors. "Much better" Rachel smiles in relief.

They arrive at the German airport and park alongside a white van. Steve gets out to meet Clint and Wanda who picked up Sam's 'guy'. "Cap" Clint greets. "You know we wouldn't have called if we had any other choice" Steve greets him with a handshake. "Hey man, you're doing me a favour. Besides I owe a debt" Clint replies before glancing back at Wanda. "Thanks for having my back" Steve thanks her. "It was time to get off my ass" she replies with a shrug.

Rachel walks towards Clint and wraps him in a hug that he returns happily. "Are you ok?" he asks her, knowing she's been through a lot. "I'm ok" she assures him before pulling away. She looks at Wanda and pulls her into a hug as well. "How about our other recruit?" Steve asks. "He's raring to go. Had to put a little coffee in him but, he should be good" Clint answers as he opens the van door and wakes up Scott Lang, Sam's 'guy'. "What time zone is this?" he asks as he hops out of the van. Clint only nudges him forwards and he notices Steve standing in front of him.

"Captain America" he says in utter disbelief as he shakes Steve's hand. "Mr Lang" Steve greets awkwardly as Scott stares at him. "It's an honour. I'm shaking your hand too long" Scott states and Steve gives him a nod before they let go of each other's hands. "Wow, this is awesome" Scott states as he looks at Clint. "Captain America. I know you too, you're great. And you!" he says as he notices Wanda and then Rachel standing on his left. Wanda and Rachel give him smiles before sharing an odd glance.

Scott steps towards Steve and touches his shoulders and mutters a 'Jeez' under his breath, causing Rachel to laugh quietly and cover it with a cough when Steve glares at her. "Look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people so... thinks for thanking of me" he thanks Steve while mixing his words a little and Steve responds with a nod. "Hey man" Scott then greets Sam. "What's up, Tic Tac?" Sam replies with a smile. 'Tic Tac?' Rachel wonders with a frown. "Good to see you. Look, what happened last time-" Scott starts. "It was a great audition but it'll never happen again" Sam replies with a chuckle.

"They tell you what we're up against?" Steve asks Scott. "Something about psycho-assassins" Scott answers. "We're outside the law on this one, so if you come with us, you're a wanted man" Steve warns him but Scott only shrugs. "Yeah well, what else is new?" he asks. "We should get moving" Bucky states, wanting to get to Siberia before Zemo does. "I've got a chopper lined up" Clint informs Steve before an announcement is made in German. "They're evacuating the airport" Bucky translates. "Stark" Sam states. "Stark?" Scott questions. "Suit up" Steve orders before they all leave to change into their suits.

After Rachel has changed into her suit, she finds Wanda and approaches her. "Hey Wand?" she calls and Wanda looks up with a smile. "Yeah" she answers. "I need to warn you. If this goes south and we end up in jail... you should know that the government has made handcuffs that restricted my powers and drained my energy. I can only assume they've made some for you too. So if this goes wrong, they'll make you wear them" she explains to Wanda concerned. Wanda nods along before taking Rachel's hands. "I'm not signing and I'm here to help you guys. I know the risks. It's ok" she assures her and Rachel nods with a smile. Wanda pulls her into a tight hug. "Are you ok now?" she asks. "Yeah, we managed to get them removed" Rachel answers with an assuring nod. "Be careful out there" she tells Wanda and she nods. "You too" she replies with a smile.

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