Chapter Two

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I woke up at 9 in the morning because Shay was calling me freaking out "OH MY GOD YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHO JUST FOLLOWED ME ON INSTAGRAM AND DMED ME FOR MY NUMBER" shay says yelling

"I don't know Mason" I sigh because I literally just woke up and not in the mood

"YES AHHH BYE HE"S CALLING ME LOVE YOU" Shay says then hanging up not letting me even talk I just laughed and got ready for the day to hang with friends. 


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Liked by:@MiguelCazarezMora@ShayRudolph and 216,803 others

@ValentinaGarcia: Hanging with friends:)

User 67: My dream Body

@MalachiBarton: My love
Liked by creator

User 2: Anyways...

@ShayRudolph: My bestfriend fr pretty
@ValentinaGarcia: Ur gorgeous

@MadeleineMcGrew: I finally found your account after hours because Miguel was gatekeeping.
@ValentinaGarcia: Wow I'm very flattered;)
@MiguelCazarezMora: Was not
@MadeleineMcGrew: Was to
@Masonthames: I'm agreeing with Mads

User 45: Umm what did I miss?

User 5: A friend group I never thought we needed<3

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Once I got home, I took a shower, brushed my teeth and changed into a more comfortable outfit and started watching a new movie, 'Not Okay' with the one and only Dylan O'brien.

Halfway through the movie my phone started ringing, so I picked it up, but it said, 'Unknown Number', so I declined it and pressed play again, but they started calling again so I answered it.

"who's this" I say very confused

"Uh, It's Miguel, Shay gave me your number, Me and the cast members wanted to know if you would like to go to a fancy dinner with us? You could bring your friends to" Miguel said Shyly.

I thought it was cute when he would get shy talking to me "Sure, yeah that sounds fun send me the address bye" I say hanging up and texting the group chat. 

                            Babysitter's Club

                                                 You guys wanna go to a
                                                  Fancy dinner with the
                                                   Black Phone Cast?
Umm Duh

Sure, why not

Duh Tristan is there

                                                    K I'll pick you guys up.



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@ValentinaGarcia: Going to dinner;)

@TristanPravong: Can't wait to finally meet you.
@ValentinaGarcia: Same tbh

User 1: She's going to dinner with the black phone cast whatt.

@VivienWatson: Ur fit is so cute 

User 4: Living for this group

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After I picked up all the girls, we made our way to dinner. "Wow this is so gorgeous" Vivien says getting out the car first "I know right" Momo says looking at it.

As we made our way in some people came up and asked for pictures then we saw the black phone cast watching us, so we made our way there. Miguel was on my right Shay was on my left and next to shay was Mason of course.

"So how are you guys" Rebecca says breaking the silence.

"Um, we're good you" I say returning the question.

"I'm good thanks for asking" she says smiling and drinking her water. "So, what are we going to do after this" Vivien speaks up

"Ooo we should have a sleepover" Momo says very hyper "yes, I like that idea" Mason say smiling at us. 

"Val, you look very pretty by the way" Miguel says which made me smile "Why, thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" I say messing up his long hair a little bit.

We all started talking about random things while eating "truth or Dare Shay" I say looking at her "Mmm dare" She says laughing

"I dare you to put on your story that you and mason are dating" I say laughing "ugh fine" she says still Laughing but giving me the glare.

Dinner went well after we all went to our houses to get or stuff for the sleep over, we deiced to have it at my house, so I was setting everything up. 


Short chapter sorry I'll make another chapter tomorrow:)

Strawberry Fanta•Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now