Chapter Five

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The next day I woke up and got dressed and went downstairs to get breakfast everybody left yesterday night. I decided to go to the beach not to swim though to read and have a little picnic with Malachi.

"Hi Malachi" I say as he sat next to me in my mom's car "Hi Valentina" He says hugging me


We made it to the beach and we started setting up everything "Ooo let's make a TikTok and Instagram photos" I say opening TikTok which he nodded ok.


Hanging with the loml<3 @MalachiBarton

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Liked by:@ShayRudolph@MomonaTamda and 291,683 others

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Liked by:@ShayRudolph@MomonaTamda and 291,683 others

@ValentinaGarcia: LOML fr photo credits >>>@MalachiBarton

User1: Why hasn't Miguel or any of the black phone cast liked or commented besides mason?

User76: What happened, she's just living her life.

@ShayRudolph: We need to talk after
@ValentinaGarcia: Why cant I hang with Malachi it's not like me and Miguel are together...

User37: Val has a point
User9: I still feel bad for Miguel

@MasonThames: Dang Val</3
@ValentinaGarcia: I literally did nothing worng.
@MasonThames: Tell that to Miguel

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After I got home from the beach with Malachi MY BEST FRIEND I decided to text Miguel to ask him if he wants to meet up at the park right now to talk.


                                                       Wanna meet up at
                                                        The park right now?


                                                           Bc we need to talk

Fine whatever
Seen at 18:23


The sum was setting now and I was sitting on the swings on my phone waiting for Miguel to show up. "Oh Hi, Mikey" I say looking to the right to see Miguel sitting on the other swing "Hi, what do you wanna talk about" Miguel asks with a sad tone. "Uh, I just want you to know that me and Malachi are just friends" I say looking at him.

"And you are the only person I like, and I know you like me" I say smiling at Miguel "How did you know" Miguel asked me very shocked "Well you made it obvious" I say laughing "So are we good now?" I ask slowing down my laughing "Yep all good" He says smiling at me.

"Your the lave monster" I say running on the play set "Oh you cheater" I hear Miguel say closing his eyes as he went on the play set. I decided to scare him since his eyes were closed (that's the point of the game) "Boo" I say shaking his shoulders which he did in fact jump.

"What the hell Val" He says laughing and turning around to face me "Valentina Garcia I have a question" Miguel says with a serious tone "ok what is it" I say smiling at him "Will you be my girlfr-" He started saying but I cut him off by kissing him.

"Yes I will Miguel Cazarez More" I say pulling away "Now we better get home it's getting late" I say grabbing his hand and walking home.


AHHHH it finally happened they're together.
Got the number idea from blackphonelvr

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