Chapter Twelve

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Liked by:@MiguelCazarezMora@ShayRudolph and 1,927,277 others

@ValentinaGarcia: We were too close to the stars.

User1: I never knew somebody like you somebody

User76: The Neighborhood>>>
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@MiguelCazarezMora: I love my gf🔥
@ValentinaGarcia: What did I tell you about that emoji?
@MiguelCazarezMora: 🔥🙏

User96: The whole Black Phone cast uses that emoji
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"Miguel stop using those emojis in my comments" I say walking up to him.

"Those are the best emojis" Tristans says sitting next to Miguel.

"It's annoying" I groan walking over to Shay "Wann play volleyball? There's a net there" I say pointing to the net on the beach "yes, boys vs girls" Shay says excited "you guys in?" I ask maddy,becca,momo and Vivien which they all nodded or said yes.

"Get up boys we're playing volleyball boys vs girls” Madeleine says adding sass in her tone which I thought was adorable.

"You guys are signing up for failure come on” Brady says walking to the net with the boys behind him.

"Ok, I'm serving” I say grabbing the ball and hitting it which they missed because Mason was distracted by Shay mouthing words "Ha" I laugh as I'm jumping around.


"See you guys tomorrow" I say hugging them and kissing Miguel. Shay was gonna spend the night at my house tonight.

"I have to tell you something aportant" Shay says putting her seatbelt on.

"Uh, ok what is it" I ask getting worried

"Me and Mason are dating" she says smiling

"Holy shit that's amazing, I'm happy for you" I say hugging her "when did it happen" I ask pulling away. "Today when we were swimming" She says happy "we can have a double date Tommrow" I say yelling.

When we got home we both took a shower she went first though.

"Miguel" I say as I'm on the phone "yes" he says "Ok so since Shay and Mason are dating I was thinking Tommrow we should go on a double date" I say smiling into the camera.
"Sure why not" he says laughing "Ok, got to go gonna take a shower love you" I say blowing kisses "love you bye" he says before hanging up.


Next chapter will be the date🤭

Strawberry Fanta•Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now