Chapter Seven

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I woke up to something that smelled really good, so I turned my head around to see my mom making pancakes with wipped cream and Strawberries on top "It smells really good mom" I whisper because everyone was still asleep on the couch. I looked down to my left and saw Miguel's head on my lap I started playing with his hair and going on Instagram.

After like 10 minutes they all woke up "Well good morning guys breakfast is ready" I say looking away from my phone "I'm starving" Tristan says going to the dinning room along with Momo "Same" I say picking up Miguel's head off my lap and dropping his head on the couch "That was rude" Miguel said getting up.

I sat in between Shay and Miguel. "So what should we do today?" Becca asked eating a strawberry "How bout we meet up at the movie theaters to watch 'Secret HeadQuarters'
Momo's in it" I say dragging out the 't' "Yes yes yes I totally forgot it came out today" Momo says super excited.

"Can we invite Walker?" I ask taking a sip of my orange juice "why not Abby? I heard she's so sweet" Shay says looking at me confused "Her to I just want to hang with walker and get to know him since I already Abby and Keith" I say smiling at them "Ok fine I'll text him and Abby" Momo says finally agreeing.


After they all left I went ahead and took a shower and got dressed.



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@ValentinaGarcia: Going to watch Secret HeadQuarters:)

User76: Walker liked her post?
User9: They're probably friends plus he's 13 she's 15.

@WalkerScobell: Like the fit
@ValentinaGarcia: Thank you!

@MiguelCazarezMore: My fit is better
@ValentinaGarcia: Sure Mikeyyyy
@MiguelCazarezMora: :/

@ShayRudolph: That's my gf
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"Bye mom" I say getting out the car and heading in the Theaters. "Can I get a picture" A little girl asked I nodded in response and her mom took the picture"Boo" Miguel yelled grabbing my shoulders "Crap don't do that again" I say holding my chest "Where's everyone?" I ask looking around "Getting snacks let's go" He says grabbing my hand.

"So you're the famous Walker Scobell" I say as me and Miguel are walking over to them "You're r the famous Valentina Garcia" Walker says smiling "Can I have a medium popcorn and strawberry Fanta please" I ask the guy behind the counter which he nodded. "I've seen the Adam Project and you're an amazing actor" I say turning to walker.

"Thank you, I've seen Baby Sitters Club and you are also a good actor" Walker says kinda shy. "Here you go" The guy says handing me my popcorn and soda, I let go of Miguel's hand to grab my snacks as the rest of the TBP and BSC and SHQ cast started to order of whatever.

Once we all got our snacks we started walking to the theater room, we all were talking about something random stuff. We decided to sit in one of the back rows, Walker sat in the isle seat so I sat next to him so we could get to know each other and Miguel sat next to me on my left. "I actually can't wait to watch this" I say sitting down.


"This is officially my favorite Movie" I say Shay agreeing with me "Hey what about the black phone" Miguel and Mason says at the same time looking at me and Shay "That's our second favorite" Shay says as we're leaving the movie theaters "Yeah what she said" I say grabbing Miguel's hand.


Once I got home I got into comfortable clothes and started watching edits of me because why not.



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@ValentinaGarcia: I should go to bed right?

User9: Yes you should

@ShayRudolph: Yes you should Valentina
@ValentinaGarcia: ok mom

User1: Nope

@MiguelCazarezMore: Let's go to the park tomorrow
@ValentinaGarcia: yes with the cast
Liked by:@MiguelCazarezMore


I have no clue what to do in these chapters

Strawberry Fanta•Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now