Chapter Thirteen

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*Ring Ring*

"Ugh" I groan as I picked up my phone.

"What Shay it's 9 in the morning" I sigh

"Get up, Im omw to your house to get ready for our double date" Shay says before hanging up.  Shit I forgot about the date I thought to my self. I jumped out of bed and hopped in the shower.

"Hi" Shay says as I walked out the bathroom "shit, don't scare me like that" I say walking to my vanity to do my makeup "sorry, ok do you like my outfit?" Shay asks twirling around "umm yes you look gorgeous" I say smiling.

"Ok you ready?" I ask as I was putting on my shoes "yes, they're already there" Shay says walking out my room.


Me and Shay got out the car and made our way into this fancy diner for breakfast "This is amazing" Shay says taking pictures of the chandelier "Over here" Mason whisper yells mostoning us over there.

"Wow, you guys got flowers how charming" I say as I sat next to Miguel him handing me flowers and Mason doing the same to Shay.

"So what's the plan for today" I ask putting the flowers next to me.

"You guys will have to see after" Miguel says smiling which made me smile because his smile is contiguous I swear.

"What can I get you guys?" The waiter asks taking out his notepad. After we order we were talking about random things.



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Liked by:@MiguelCazarezMore@ShayRudolph and 826,258 others

@ValentinaGarcia: Double date with @MiguelCazarezMore@ShayRudolph@MasonThames


User9: Yessssss

@MiguelCazarezMore: First

@ShayRudolph: Val is blushing because of Miguel
@ValentinaGarcia: Shush Shay u are to
@MasonThames: Ofc Shay is I'm good looking

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Liked by:@ValentinaGarcia@MasonThames and 902,827 others

@MiguelCazarezMora: Val took this of me

User1: Yes Val feeding us pics of Miguel
@ValentinaGarcia: Ikr

User9: Waiting for a Miguel

@MasonThames: I can confirm he was talking to me
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User42: New to this fandom

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After we ate we went to the next destination which was the....

"Carnival yes I love funnel cakes let's get one" I  yell like a 3 year old, I grabbed Miguel's hand running towards the funnel cake cart.

"Can I get a medium sized funnel cake" I say ording.

"Ahhh it's so good" I say eating the funnel cake

"Try it" I say pushing it over to Miguel who was across from me "It looks nasty no thanks" he says pushing it back "Try before you deny" I say grabbing a fork and taking a piece and making airplane sounds feeding it to Miguel.

"That's actually not bad" Miguel says eating another bite "We found you guys" Shay says walking over with a funnel cake and Mason

"Sorry I needed to get it" I say eating the funnel cake.

"I got mine with strawberries" Shay says sitting next to me and Mason next to Miguel

"Omg yes" I shout eating her funnel cake and letting the boys eat mine.

"Ok now we can go on rides" I say standing up throwing the plate away. "Ferris wheel?" Miguel asks holding my hand "yes" I say walking towards the ferris wheel.

"How many people?" The worker asks

"Uh, four" I say looking at the others.

"Do not move around please" Shay says sitting across of me "I promise I won't" I say laughing.


"Okay, it's getting late we should go home" Shay says yawning "I agree" I say resting my head on Miguel's shoulder as we were walking to the car .

"Okay, bye talk to you tomorrow" I say kissing Miguel then hugging Mason and hopping into my mom's car with Shay.


Any ideas on the next chapter?

Strawberry Fanta•Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now