Chapter Four

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"Do you like Miguel" Shay asks me so serious "What no, okay fine maybe I do but how could you not his hair is amazing, his laugh, and boy and his smile" I yell into the pillow on my face "I think I love him" I finally say taking the pillow off my face.

"Were you recording?" I ask Shay "Maybe" Shay says backing away "Don't send that to him" I yell chasing her "Already did look" Shay showed me the video has been sent and he already looked at it "ughh I hate you so much" I groan flipping on my bed, I then heard my phone ring.

                                   Miguel's POV

"Holy shoot dude she loves you" Mason says laughing as we finished the video Shay sent us "at least I know she likes me" I say looking at mason blushing like crazy.

                                Valentina's POV

"Crap, it's Miguel he texted me" I say grabbing my phone.


So you like my smile:)

                                                                          Haha funny

Don't worry I like yours too
Seen at 18:25


I woke up at 9 and everyone was asleep except for Tristan, so I got ready and went downstairs "Wanna get McDonald's for everyone" I ask Tristan walking towards him "Heck yeah" He says running out the door (fully dressed).
"Did everyone know I liked Miguel?" I asked Tristan as he was driving.

"I did you blushed, stared at him exceptlly when he smilies" Tristan says rambling of the things I do "ugh" I groan slouching in my seat. The only reason I wanted to get McDonald's was because I could not face Miguel yet.

After we got our food we stopped and took some Instagram photos.


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Liked by:@MiguelCazarezMore@ShayRudolph
And 563,902 others

@MiguelCazarezMore: I like your smile:)
@ValentinaGarcia: Haha your so funny

@ShayRudolph: Where are you and Tristan?

User 53: What did we miss between Valentina and Miguel?

User 1: Not her and Tristan running off together.

@MasonThames: "Oh boy and his smile"
@ValentinaGarcia: STFU with ur crush on Shay
@MasonThames: You didn't have to go that far
@ShayRudolph: I've been summoned...

User 78: Mason and Shay?? I ship

              Tap to view 354,953 Comments

"Can we please go to Target real quick I want chips and candy" I ask Tristan doing the puppy dog eyes "Fine but hurry I wanna eat" He says which I nodd.

"I'ma go pay" I say walking to the Cash Register "That would be $26.99" The Cash Register says which I hand him a card but Tristan pulled it back and gave him his "why thank you kind sir" I say which he nudged me.

"Can I have your number" The Cash Register said "yeah here" I wrote my number down on a piece of paper before leaving the store "what will Miguel say about this" Tristan asks me "He won't know about this" I say smiling and opening the door to the car.


Literally as soon as we walked in the house everyone looked at us then Tristan opened his big ass mouth "Val gave a boy her number" He yelled which erupted with a bunch of questions.

"Is he better then me"
"What's his name"
"How old is he"
"Does he have better hair then me"
"Does he have a better smile then me"

You can guess Miguel's questions.

"He asked for mine, I couldn't exactly say no" I say handing them there food and drink when my phone started ringing Just as I was about to grab my phone Miguel did "Stop calling her phone she'll never answer" Miguel says running because I was chasing him well until he fell on the couch.

I jumped on Miguel still trying to get my phone . "Uh, sorry that was my friend he's a bit over protective" I say panting "Uh can we FaceTime?" the boy asked so we did "so how are you" I ask fixing my hair in the camera.

"Good, uh are you single" The boy asked "yes" I respond "That boy who had your phone he's just a friend right" He asked suspicious for no reason "Yep nothing more at the moment" I say looking down at Miguel then at my phone "so uh, why are you laying on him?" The boy asked "oh shit right" I say getting off of Miguel.

"Can I talk to you later" I asked the boy which he nodded yes so I hung up "I hate you Miguel" I say walking towards my food and drink "that's not what you said in the video" He says smiling and laughing "I'm seriously gonna kill you" I say running after him.


I literally had to rewrite this because Wattpad deleted it.  I got the ending part from another Wattpad story I forgot there user.

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