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I woke up around 10am so I hopped in the shower since I didn't last night, I know gross. Today I just decided to do nothing and relax so that's what I did.



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Liked by:@ShayRudolph@MiguelCazarezMora and 976,248 others

@ValentinaGarcia: Someone come over🙄

User1: omw
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@MiguelCazarezMora: I'll come and bring Mason?
@ValentinaGarcia: What will I do without you🤭

@ShayRudolph: Sleepover?
@ValentinaGarcia: yesss

User9: Wishing I was their friend

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                                       Sleepover at my house 7pm.

Yes, ok I'll be there first

Yeah, ok me and Mason are already
On the way, beat that


Okay, we'll see

                                                    That was entertaining


"Ha, they think they will be first" Shays says laughing.

"I can't wait to see their faces when they see you won" I laugh.

5 minutes went bye when my doorbell rang which means the boys made it "Stay here" I tell Shay as im walking to the door "Hi you guys won" I say hugging Miguel and Mason.

"I knew it, Shay can never beat us" Mason says very hyper.

"I can't wait to see her face when she sees us.... We lost" Miguel says putting a straight face on when he saw Shay laughing on the couch, at this point I'm dying of laughter "How did we lose?" Mason yells very confused.

"Uh, well when we were texting the group chat she was already here" I say trying to stop laughing "So you lied to me? Your own boyfriend! Wow" Miguel says holding his chest

"What I didn't lie I didn't even know she was here I thought you guys won" I say sitting on the couch next to Shay.

"Whatever, what are we doing" Mason asks as he jumped on the couch.

"Uh, movie"




"Yes, couples vs couples"

"Ok, first what movie should we watch" Shay asks handing me the remote. "BREAKFAST CLUB" I shout "no way" Mason says "We should watch day shift, right Mikey" Mason says.

"I don't know, I really like the breakfast club" Miguel says which I immediately start sticking my tongue out at Mason and making fun of him. "Put it on already" Mason says sitting next to Shay.

"I love that movie so dang much" I say taking my head off of Miguel's shoulder since the movie was done.

"Now can we bake let's skip the games" Mason asks as he made his way to the Kitchen "sure okay me and Miguel and baking a vanilla cake and Mason and Shay is making a Chocolate cake" I say following after Mason.

"Ok start" Shay yells

"Ok uh crack the eggs, I put the milk in" I tell Miguel "this is so stressful" he shouts cracking the eggs "Look shh" I tell Miguel creeping behind Shay and Mason and pouring flour on them.

"Holy shit" Shay shouts turning to me

"That was Mason not me" I tell them laughing

"Why would Mason put flour on himself?" Shay asks laughing, I can hear Miguel laughing like crazy. "Uh to make it look like he didn't duh" I say slowly back away and next to Miguel to finish baking.


"Ok so I called Momo and Tristan over to be the judge of it" I say walking over to the front door because they were outside. "Hi" I say hugging them "okay hurry and sit", I say pushing them to the dining room where the cakes are.

"First chocolate" Shay says handing each of them a plate of cake they made "I give it a 10" Momo says "I give it a 9"  Tristan says swallowing it.

"Ok ours" I say handing them each a plate "Ok, salty not sugary so 7" Tristan says "MIGUELL" I yell "I thought I added sugar" He says laughing "I give it a 8" Momo says.

"WE WON WE WON" Shay and Mason yells hugging and high giving each other.

"I'm tired plus it's 2am" Momo says going my room to sleep on my extra bed "yeah we should go to sleep" I say putting everything away.


Might or not be the last chapter;)

Strawberry Fanta•Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now