Chapter Eleven

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I was just sitting in bed on Instagram when I got the best idea on what to do today, which was mess around in Walmart with the casts so I texted the group chat which they all agreed.



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Liked by:@MiguelCazarezMore@ShayRudolph
And 107,398 others

@ValentinaGarcia: Gonna go mess around in Walmart

User9:If only I lived where u live

User1: I love ur fit

@MiguelCazarezMore: Hurry we're all here already Valllll
@ValentinaGarcia: Ok, ok MIKEYYYYY

User86: Where's ur shirt from
@ValentinaGarcia: SheIn

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I walked into Walmart and immediately saw the others they were all talking, except Mason he was buying chips so he could eat them while we're in here. "Hi guys" I say walking up to them "Hi, ok so I was thinking first one to get kicked out wins free McDonald's" Momo says shrugs.

"Yeah, we'll have partners" Brady says

"Me and Miguel, Shay and Mason, Momo and Tristan, Vivien and Madeleine, Becca and Brady" I say pointing at them.

"Ok let's go" Becca says walking away Brady following her.

I grabbed onto Miguel's hand "ok, football?" I ask walking towards the toy section "yes" Miguel smiling. "Ok, catch" I whisper yell to Miguel he caught it of course. "Ok, Ooo Volleyball" I say putting the football back and grabbing the Volleyball.

"You serve" I say throwing the Volleyball to Miguel, let's just say he sucks at volleyball "What the hell was that" I laugh at his attempt to serve the ball "real funny here" Miguel says chuckling and serving the ball towards me.


Five minutes has gone by and nobody noticed us so I decided to ride bikes around the store and be loud "I have an idea come" I grab Miguel's hand and run towards the bikes "What are you doing here?" Shay asks us as her and Mason were getting on a bike.

Strawberry Fanta•Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now