Chapter Ten

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I woke up to my alarm which was set for 8 in the morning because I'm going to the Secret HeadQuarters premier with TBP and BSC cast.



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Liked by:@MiguelCazarezMora@ShayRudolph
And 1,029,727 others

@ValentinaGarcia: SHQ premiere here I come

User1: Wished I could go

User9: I love the dress

@Walkerscobell: We meet again
@ValentinaGarcia: Guess so

@MiguelCazarezMora: This girl is so beautiful
@ValentinaGarcia: Not u making me blush

@ShayRudolph: BSJJS

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As I got out the car to head into where the premiere was at lots of camera's started flashing towards me and people asking questions "Uh, excuse me" I say pushing through all the people but more and more kept coming "Look there's Walker" I pointed ahead of us and when they all looked I made a run for it.

Strawberry Fanta•Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now