Chapter Nine

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I woke up and it was 9:28 so I got ready for day even though I was gonna stay inside today.



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@ValentinaGarcia: Staying inside all day>>>

User1: Gorgeous

User9: U always look pretty I'm jelly

User96: Mid lmfaoo

@MiguelCazarezMore: Call me Val
@ValentinaGarcia: on it Mikeyyyy

@ShayRudolph: I miss u already
@ValentinaGarcia: same<3

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"Hi Mikeyyyy" I yell dragging out the 'Y' before I face times Miguel I put on Minions Pajamas since I was done taking Instagram photos "Hi Val what you doing?" Miguel asked smiling through the screen "nothing I'm board" I groan "Ooo, wanna play Roblox? Please" I beg

"Fine, just let me grab my computer" Miguel said before leaving the cameras view "Yayy" I squealed grabbing my laptop that was next to me and going to Roblox "I'm back" Miguel says sitting back on his bed with his laptop "can I show you my pajamas?" I ask standing up

"Ok this is bob, he's my favorite he's so cute" I say pointing to the Minion on my pajamas.

                                     Miguel's POV

While Val was showing me her pajamas I could stop thinking how cute she looked and the way she was excited to play Roblox and show me her pajamas I can't believe she's mine...
"So why is bob your favorite?" I ask her as she was sitting back on her bed and putting her laptop on her legs.

"Because he's just so cute" She says smiling but still looking at her laptop "I see you staring" Val says which I looked away. crap she caught me staring "Whatever what Roblox game" I ask changing the subject "First I can't watch Tiktoks without seeing yours and TBP cast grippers and second Sheriff vs Murderers" Val says smiling.

"Same I regret posting that TikTok" I say laughing which she started laughing "So why do you have Roblox Mikeyyyy" Val says looking at her phone "I play with my brother" I say changing my Roblox avatar so I look decent "Aww you play with your brother that's so cute" Val says smiling and giggling.

"Are we gonna play or not?" I ask looking at my phone to see her still smiling at her laptop "Yes join me" She says adjusting herself.

An hour in the game she started to yell "AHH IM THE KING SUCK IT MIIGUEL" Val yelled, her smiling not going away "I'm gonna kill you" I say laughing because I was playing as murderer and she was playing as Sheriff "No stop don't you're my boyfriend you cant" she says her smiling fading away.

"fine I won't kill you" I say giving in "Thank you I much I love yo- AHHHH I HATE YOU" Vall yelled because I killed her from behind I couldn't help but laugh when she was mad she still looked cute.

                                   Valentina's POV

After I had a whole breakdown because Miguel killed me I was happy again because I won that round "ha you killed me and I still won" I say sticking my tongue out at the camera and jumping around like a toddler I could hear Miguel laughing and looking at me.


"Ok I'm tired talk to you tomorrow love you" I say blowing a kiss "Love you good night" Miguel said before hanging up. We spent 7 hours playing Roblox games and it was 12 in the morning now, you could say we lost time



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@ValentinaGarcia: Going to bed now:)

User1: Not going to bed at 4 I see

User9: Pretty

User52: Where I live it's 1pm

@MiguelCazarezMora: Val get ur beauty sleep
@ValentinaGarcia: U have to get urs too

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Should I make a Mason Thames story?
Also got this idea from a other book

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