Chapter Three

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After I finished setting up everything for the sleepover I changed into something more comfortable and posted on Instagram while waiting for them to come.


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Liked by:@MiguelCazarezMora@Masonthames and 562,902 others

@ValentinaGarcia:Been waiting for 17 hours for my guest to show up to my sleepover🙄

User 1: In love with this group.

@Masonthames: Its only been 8 minutes
@ValentinaGarcia: That's long hurry
@MiguelCazarezMora: Were here

User 56: Wish I was ur friend

User 4: Mid tbh

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As soon as I saw Miguel's comment saying that they were here I ran downstairs and opened the door "Oh my god hi" I say panting trying to catch my breath

"Did you just run a marathon" Momo says laughing making her way inside

"So I decided that we should bake brownies and Cookies" I say walking to the kitchen "Yes that sounds so fun" Madeleine says a little to hyper.

"So we'll have two groups which ever group makes the best desert wins a bed to sleep in, instead of the couch" I say walking behind the counter

"Who wants to be pick there group for baking cookies?" I ask looking at everyone "Me" Vivien says barely giving time for other people to volunteer

"Ok stand behind the cookie ingredients" I tell her while I'm behind the brownie ingredients.

"I pick Shay" I say pointing for her to come

"Yes, I wanted brownies" Shay says very excited "I pick momo" Vivien says  glaring at me since Momo is a very good baker

"Who should I pick" I whisper to Shay "PLEASE pick mason" She says doing the dog eyes "I pick Mason" I say looking at Shay

"I pick tristan" Vivien says probably because momo wanted him.

"I pick Miguel" I say motioning him to stand next to me. After we picked our groups we started baking.

"Hand me the eggs" I tell Miguel which he does. Shay took over and started mixing everything together when Becca gets some of the brownie mix on her finger and rubs it on Shays face

"Oh shit" I say looking at the two putting brownie mix on each other.

"Stop putting your fingers in it we're eating this" i say grabbing the bowl and putting it far from them

"What the fudge brownies" I say gasping because Miguel put the brownie mix on my face

"Oh your so done" i say getting flour and putting it on him.

"Well my kitchen is ruined, I'll be back in 10 minutes" I say going to my room to take a quick shower.


"Ok I'll be the judge" I say walking downstairs after taking a shower.

"Let me try the cookies first" I say grabbing a cookie and eating it "holy crap this is amazing" I say after swallowing it.

"Ok next" I say to Tristen who gave me a brownie.

"Umm we did so good" I say trying my hardest to keep a smile and not throw up because whe’ I tell you it was so bad, IT WAS HORRIBLE.

"Yeah no cookies won" I say spitting the brownies out.

"Rude, anyways we should watch a movie" Shay says which made me jump in excitement

"yes we should watch 'Not okay' i haven't finished it" I say walking to the couch and jumping on it.

"I'm down" Brady says sitting on the couch but far from me.

I look towards the kitchen and see Miguel, Mason and Shay whispering to eachother.

                                 Miguel's POV

"When should I tell her that I like her" I ask Shay and Mason "Tell her no later then this week" Mason says

"Fine, but when I tell her you have to tell you know who that you like her" I tell Mason crossing my arms

"Deal" Mason says holding his hand out which In response i shook it.

"Wait, Shay do you know if she likes me?" I ask her hoping she says yes "I don't know I'll ask her tonight though" Shay says before walking towards the living room and sitting next to Valentina.

                                   Valentina's POV

"What was that about" I ask Shay since she sat next to me "Oh nothing just Mason freaking out" Shay says laughing.

"Mason, Miguel come on im about to start the movie" I say looking back at them. Mason sat next to Shay and Miguel sat next to me.


"That was so good" I say getting off the couch and stretching "Right Dylan o'brien is so fine" Momo says following me "Right he could get it anytime" I say laughing

"We should go to bed" Becca says yawning "I agree" Brady says

"Ok, Madeleine and Becca you can share one of the guest rooms and Mason, Miguel you can share the other guest room and Brady can sleep on the couch" I say walking up the stairs.

"Good night everyone" Momo, Shay, Me and Vivien says at the same time closing my bedroom door.

"Okay Val I have a question and be honest" Shay says laying in my bed, momo and Vivien was sleeping on the trundle "ok" I say laying next to her "Do you like Miguel?"     


I will be posting 2 to 3 times a day if I'm not busy:)

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