Mono to Colored. Tanjiro x F! Reader

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Hi and in this au I guess you can say, everyone sees in mono tone until they're near or with their soulmate and I thought it'd be a cute Idea so ~let's go and read the story!!!

~Y/n POV ~

I had just gotten my soulmate. But haven't run into them yet. "Hey Tanjiro!!!" I call out to my best friend. The burgundy haired boy calls back to me"Oh hey Y/n!" I run up to him, once I get to him, I ask, "Have you found your soulmate yet?" "Nope, sadly. I bet your soulmate will be amazing!" Tanjiro smiles at me. I slightly smile at him, happy, and a bit disappointed. I really want Tanjiro to be my soulmate, I've had a crush on him for a while. Tanjiro smiles at me, really adorably, "Well until then, I'll be with you. No matter what happens""Caw caw! Head North-East! Caw caw! Head North-East! Many Demon Slayer Corps members have been disappearing!!!" The crow calls. Tanjiro looks at me, a smile still on his face "Oh, I guess we have a mission. Come on! Let's go Y/n!" I mentally groan but smile back at him, "Alright, alright." Me and Tanjiro head North-East toward the area of the problem. I feel worried, since me and Tanjiro are part of the Demon Slayer Corps, we might disappear/die...

//Tanjiro POV \\

Me and Y/n get near the area, the area where Demon Slayer Corps members have been disappearing. I smell a scent coming from Y/n, a scent of fear... "Y/n, it'll be ok, we've got this!" I whisper over to her. Y/n just smiles at me, a sad, scared smile. We head up some stairs, to the small building ahead. I smelled a terrible smell, it was blood. I immediately draw my sword, As I nod to Y/n, signaling her to draw hers.

-No one POV-

Tanjiro and Y/n walk up the last few stairs, Y/n trembling in fear and Tanjiro disgusted by the smell. The door bursts open, revealing a Demon, eating a former Demon Slayer. "That poor soul..." Y/n Thought to herself. The Demon senses the two, and turns his head. "What the fuck are you two doing interrupting my dinner?" The Demon asks, examining the two. The demon cackles, "Oooh we got some Demon Slayers here huh? More food for dinner I guess." The Demon attacks the two, coming for Y/n first. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH Y/N!!!!!!" Tanjiro screams, attacking the demon. Tanjiro aims for the head, chopping it off, yelling at the demon, "I WILL BE WITH Y/NNO MATTER WHAT!!!!! I'LL PROTECT HER EVEN IF IT COSTS ME MY OWN LIFE BECAUSE I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!" Y/n's vision suddenly becomes colored. "wha-..." she mumbles. Tanjiro had killed the demon, while protecting her when she received her colored vision, meaning. Tanjiro is her soulmate. On their way Home, Y/n mumbles, "you know when you were screaming those things?" "Yeah." "Well, my vision became colored the same moment you said that..." Y/n said. Tanjiro stares at Y/n in complete shock, at the same time flustered."Wait does that mean?" Tanjiro asks. All Y/n did is smile and nod. Y/n runs up to Tanjiro and hugs him tightly, tears running down her eyes.

"Thank you Tanjiro, for saving me..."


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