Kanae~Haiku [Request]

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Calm! Male Y/N *A lil inspo from Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop*                                                                     Request by nealgietsu24 (Tysm for requesting ☺️💜) 

I shuffled my hair gently before carefully placing the headband made from silk on my hair. At least my short-ish long-ish hair would be such a nuisance throughout the day. I wasn't the craziest person in the world but not the loudest either. I was more of a quiet and calm natured person, according to Kanae-san. She's a bit like me, Simple minded and calm natured woman she is. I had a small notebook, where I wrote short haikus when in the Butterfly Mansion. I would usually write them when an idea sparks in my mind, but not this time. This brings us to what situation I'm in right now. 

"You should tell her Y/N-san, she's perfect for you." Tanjiro nudged me with a grin on his face as he sat on the foot of my bed. I shook my head, why did I tell him? "Why don't you write her a haiku? I've seen your haikus before and I think that they're really romantic. Or that's what I think." Tanjiro suggested with a shrug of his shoulders. "Hi Y/N" Kanae waved to me as she peeked her head in the room. She was shorter than me by a bit, but seemed taller with the disadvantage of me being bed bound. Tanjiro nudged his elbow at me. "Hi Kanae-san." I greeted her back with a welcoming smile. "I heard about what happened to you, so I brought a book for you! It's about animals towards the West, it's an interesting book, so I thought you'd like it?" She said, smiling whilst holding the book. "Thank you Kanae-san, I appreciate it a lot." I thanked her as she left the room. I had a soft smile placed on my face as she left. "Oohhhh" Tanjiro cooed. I made a small motion with my hand, telling him to shoo whilst I read. 

I opened the book, and began to read it. Before I knew it, it was dawn and I had finished the book. I had thoughts about returning the book in a bit, before another thought was added to the thousands of thoughts running through my mind. "Write a haiku." My thought was. Not the worst idea but how would it work- Ohh wait. That's a great idea. My idea (which I totally didn't take from Tanjiro-san) was to write the haiku on a small piece of paper and slip it in the book. I took a piece of paper from my notebook and began scribbling a haiku down. 

Fluttering beauty,

Butterflies dance in the breeze,

Graceful and serene.

I nodded as I praised my own work. "Nice." I told myself mentally. I slipped the paper  behind the cover and stood out of my bed. Before exiting the room, I ran into Tanjiro, who came to see me after training. "Hey Y/N, where you going?" He inquired, noticing I was exiting the room. I answered the question as simply as possible. "I'm returning the book to Kanae-san." "Oh really?" He asked with a smirk on his face and raising his eyebrows continually. I made a small pout with my lips at him before leaving. Once in a blue moon I'd pout like that. 

My footsteps made muffled thump sounds as they progressed, until I stopped in front of Kanae-san's little office. I peeked my head through the doorway and saw Kanae-san reading a book. "Kanae-san?" My voice came out quieter than I intended, but she heard me and perked her head up at the sound of my voice. I then held up the book she gave me earlier. "Ah! You finished it, haven't you?" She inquired, which I replied to with a quick nod. A short chuckle came out of her mouth as she inched towards me and took the book, placing it on her desk. "You're an intrigued reader Y/N, I'm impressed." She complimented, a smile ear to ear on her face. "I'll get another book for you. Just one second." She spoke, holding up a finger telling me to wait as she ran her finger across the spines of a variety of books. She then stopped at one and pulled it out, reading the cover of it. 

"You'll like this one, it's called Romeo and Juliet. It came from the west, but I think it's a great story! It's translated too, so you don't have to worry about reading other languages. Trust me, it took a bit for me to learn it." Kanae-san ramble about the book before realizing ever she was doing. "Oh goodness, I apologize! I ramble a lot, sorry if I bored you." She grinned sheepishly at me. "It's okay Kanae-san." My answer was short, like most of my verbal answers are. "Here, I hope you enjoy the book!" She waved a small goodbye to her as I waved back to her. 

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