Shinobou~Blooming [Request]

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Calm! Male Y/N!!! Request by nealgietsu24

Your  steps ascended in the Butterfly Mansion, each step creating a small thump sound as they progressed. You were taking a rest in the Butterfly Mansion, with the fact you just returned from a mission. Right now, you were going to Shinobou-San for a check up. Truthfully, you enjoyed her presence. She was a knowledgeable lady, but she always had a smile on her face. You couldn't tell if it was real or not though, seems as if she had a burden on her shoulders. "Hey Shinobou-san." You greeted with a small wave of your  hand and a warm smile. She returned your  smile, it seemed like a forced smile. "Are you here for your check up?" She asked, tilting her head towards the side gently. "Yes, I am." You said with a small nod. "Ah, come in." She welcomed you  into her office as she cleared a few things around the area. "So, how's your injuries been?" She asked as she sat down in front of the chair you sat in. "Better I guess, it's not in as much pain as it once was." You shrugged with a small frown on your face. She nodded, listening closely to your words. "Mhm, well you might be able to get back to rehabilitation training but if not, then it's fine." She stated, writing down a few notes. You nodded your head gently before she excused you. 

As you left, a small smile tugged at your lips as you thought about the girl. You didn't know what to do about the feelings. You felt butterflies in your stomach when near her, your thoughts were focused on her a lot, you didn't know what to call it. You haven't felt it before, it was a new and a little worrying feeling. That's when an idea hit you, why not ask Shinobou-san to go somewhere? No? No, she's too busy for such things. You'll debate over this later, you have more important things in life than arguing over silly things. You returned to your room, sitting on the bed that was directly next to a yellow haired boy. You had no idea who the hell he was but he sure did yell just about every morning, so that's one other person you hate. At least he was asleep, so he didn't cause much trouble. A sigh left your mouth out of boredom at that moment. Your thoughts were also rambling on one topic. Shinobou. You wanted to show her your feelings, tell her, you just couldn't get it out. Yes, many times you've tried to, many times your confidence was built up to its highest, but you chickened out. You hated that about yourself, but you've had the burden on your shoulders for months now, it's best to let the truth out, but how? Just then, shuffling was heard behind you, shit it was that yellow haired idiot. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up on the bed. "O-oh, hi Y/N." He greeted you. You raised a brow at him, which his eyes widened at. "Ah! I apologize, we've never properly introduced ourselves. I'm Agatsuma Zenitsu. I only know who you are from hearing kakushi speaking with you." He rubbed his neck awkwardly with a sheepish grin. You only nodded before pondering on your thoughts again. 

"Something on your mind?" Zenitsu suddenly asked. You nodded your head gently, resting your head on your palms. Zenitsu went silent for a bit before speaking. "You're in love aren't you?" Your eyes widened at his accurate guess. "Oh, I was born with advanced hearing. I can hear emotions and far away sounds." He added, making your mouth go in an O. "Who's the lucky girl?..or boy?" He inquired. "Shinobou-san, I'm older than her by a bit." "Ah, I  see why. Are you also nervous?" "Yeah, I wanna tell her, I just don't know how to.." Zenitsu sat silently as he thought. "You've got this Y/N. I've got an idea, why don't you take her to a flower field? I know there's a really pretty flower field around here!" Zenitsu suggested an idea. You nodded, that was a great idea. "When's a good time, it's already evening now." You asked, sitting your position a bit. "I dunno, tomorrow?" "Yeah." You nodded, feeling somewhat confident. After that, the day went by quickly with feelings of nervousness came on and off. Then, it was late noon. You wanted to take Shinobou during evening for the sunset. Sunsets were especially beautiful around this time. Your steps were slow, as your nervousness was at its peak. You peaked in Shinobou's office, seeing she was with Naho, reading a book with her. "Excuse me Shinobou-san?" Your voice came out higher than wanted. "Ah, hi Y/N. Do you need me?" "Y-yes.W-would you l-like to..No I can't do this.." You covered your face with the back of your palm, your face red. "Would you like to go out with me this evening???" You let it all out, sighing once it was out. "..." "Of course, I'd love to." She smiled, it was a genuine smile this time. A small smile tugged at your lips, relieved she accepted the request. "I'll get you in a bit." And with that, you left her, hearing Naho's high pitched voice as she talked about what you had said. 

Towards evening, you popped your head in Shinobou's office again. She glanced at you from the mirror she looked in. She wore a deep purple kimono and had a little bit of makeup on. The sight memorized you, you've never felt more in love. "Sorry for the wait, are you ready Y/N?" She apologized. I nodded my head, a smile plastered on my face. You both walked through the mansion until you met the warm air of outside. You took her down the dirt road until you came to a stopping point. "It's over there." You pointed to an open field with many wild flowers. You grasped her hand and led her to the field, sitting on a patch on grass that was surrounded with flowers. "So..Shinobou.. May I tell you something?" You stammered, twiddling with the hem of your kimono. "Yes, of course Y/N, what is it?" Her voice was light sounding, as she was ready for what you wanted to say. You took in a deep breath before speaking. "I..I like you. I like you more than a friend, I don't know how, but it happened." Your eyes her looking deep into Shinobou's purple eyes. A smile formed on her face, you didn't expect that at all. Unconsciously, you began to lean closer to her face, as Shinobou leaned in a bit too. Your lips brushed against hers as her eyes fluttered closed. Both your lips made contact, you could feel Shinobou smile against the kiss while she cupped your cheek in her hand. You realized what you had done and pulled away quickly. "I-I'm so sorry Shinobou-san!!" You exclaimed, eyes wide. Shinobou let out a short chuckle before speaking. "It's fine, I honestly didn't mind. I liked it." Her smile was soft but it showed she returned your feelings. "Thank you." Your voice was gentle this time, pecking her cheek gently. 

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