Sanemi~Frenemies [Request]

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L/N=Last Name
Requested by @itsmeharu_aii

I smiled sweetly as Sumi explained the book she was reading to me while sitting on a bench with me. "And this is a honey badger! It's found in the West, it's very cute, don't you think Lady L/N?" She grinned cutely. As she continued explaining the book, I noticed someone with white hair in the distance watching me and Sumi. My face darkened at the sight of him. Sanemi...My least favorite person. We absolutely hate each other, most likely because of our first meeting..

10 months ago...

I entered the Butterfly Mansion. It was all too familiar to me as a Demon Slayer but not as a Hashira. Today was my first day as the Storm Hashira. I haven't met the other Hashira yet, other than Kochō and Tomioka, I've met them already. In the halls, I could hear the sounds of a boy crying and Aoi attempting to quiet him down. I smiled with a light laugh coming from my mouth at the thought of it.
Suddenly, I bumped into someone, the impact causing me to fall back and hit my head on the hard floor.
"ugh...fuck you."

The man groaned, sitting up. He had white hair and a scar adorning his face. His uniform was unbuttoned, many scars being found around his chest area.
"fuck yourself." I mumbled.
"What was that, you little dipshit?"
"you heard me right. Fuck yourself."
"Oh you're going to regret saying that to me. Do you even know who you're talking to?"
"Yeah..."—I looked him up and down quickly.—"A dude covered in scars with eyes that look like they're about to come out of their sockets." I snickered.

He gritted his teeth angrily, glaring at me. "I have to go. I have a meeting to get to. Way more important than bickering with a low level like you." He grimaced at me, turning to leave."Oh! You're going there too! How exciting!" I fake smiled at him.
He turned back to face me.
"You're a Hashira?"
"Yep!" I smiled innocently.

That was a terrible first impression. I blame him for it though, if only he could have a better attitude. I won't even lie about this though, I do want to become friends with him. He seems like a nice guy if you get to know him. Like, I once caught him playing with a kitten. Smiling. Yes, him smiling! It was a cute smile though..I'd be lying if I said his smile was ugly.
"Lady L/N, would you like some castella cake? I think Lady Kochō made some!" Sumi suddenly giggled happily in question.
"Ah, that sounds lovely. I'd love to!" I smiled at her innocence, she's adorable. We both walked inside together, little giggles coming from Sumi.


No one POV

"For this mission, you'll be with Y/N."
"What?!? No!!! I'd never in my life!" Sanemi shouted angrily.
"Sanemi, it's the only choice you have to annihilate this demon. Y/N is one of the stronger hashira out of our three female hashira. Plus, you do need to be partnered with a female for this one, either her or don't go on the mission at all."
Sanemi grumbled in thought.
"Y/N isn't that bad, she's a great Hashira." Kagaya stated.
The white haired man groaned but quickly fixed his act. "I apologize for my actions and disrespect master, but of course."
"Thank you, I'll inform Y/N as soon as possible." The master nodded satisfyingly as he sent his crow to Y/N. In the meantime, Y/N and Mitsuri sat at a bench, enjoying a plate of sakura mochi.
"I believe Sanemi likes you, Y/N."
"Ew, why would you think that?"
"I don't know...I got my resources. But, it's a gut feeling!"
"Mitsuri, seriously?"
"Yes seriously."

Misturi smiled at a memory that sparked during this conversation with Y/N.

"Do you like Y/N?"
"In which way?"
"Like like way."
"You do, don't you?!"
"Shut up."

"Anyways, are you excited for that mission with Sanemi?" Mitsuri quickly changed the subject, keeping her knowledge to herself. "Eh." She shrugged. "Eh? Just an eh???" Y/N nodded to her response. "Yeah, Sanemi ain't gonna make this easy for me. It's better for me to just get it over with before any corny romantic crap happens." Mitsuri nodded, her thoughts solemn. 

'One feels one way, the other feels completely different..' She was like a spy between the two, watching and listening to a torn up love story. Y/N's crow, Yuki, flew towards them. "L/N Y/N! You are to report to the Ubuyashiki Mansion at once! L/N Y/N! You are to report to the Ubuyashiki Mansion at once!" It repeated. "I got it the first time, Yuki." She smiled sweetly at the bird. Mitsuri looked at her with somewhat teary eyes, as if she just saw an angel. 'Her smile is so beautiful.'  

"Well, I guess I've got to get going now..I'll see you around Mitsuri-chan!"
"Alrightie, I'll see you later! Don't die on me now!!"
"I won't!"
'Sanemi sure won't'

Y/N trekked to the Ubuyashiki Mansion, excited of what could happen. 'Is Sanemi going on the mission with someone else? Am I going on the mission solo?' Her thoughts could go on and on about this. She couldn't handle it. When she reached the mansion, there she saw Kagaya-sama and Samemi. As much as she wanted to roll her eyes, she didn't for the sake of respect.

 "Good afternoon the two of you, I'm sure you both know why you're here." He greeted the both of them kindly. "Your mission will be located in Kyoto. There's a demon roaming that area and harming the people in that area." The man instructed. Y/N nodded, bowing to her leader. "We'll take care of it Kagaya-sama!" Sanemi just looked at her, full of judgement. 

They left for the mission, the silence heavy. Sanemi could only hear his thoughts. 'I hate her...I hate her stupid smile.. she's so stupid..' Were his thoughts pathetic? Kinda..very pathetic. "Sanemi-San?" Her voice broke the silence. "What?" He answered her immediately, his tone harsh. "Why do you hate me..?" She asked, her voice getting quieter. He didn't answer. 'Because I don't know how to express my feelings, Y/N..' Those were the words he wanted to say, he just couldn't say it.

"I..." He began, immediately closing his mouth. He already regretted it. "You what?" She inquired. He stayed silent, not responding for a good few minutes. The silence was deafening, Someone had to say something.

"It's because I like you!" He shouted rather loudly. Y/N's mouth was agape. He continued. "I never knew how to express my feelings to you. Last time I had feelings for someone was for a former Hashira"—He paused, wiping forming tears—"She died during a mission, I never thought I'd love again but then you and your stupid face came in and I fell all over again, I hate it so goddamn much but I love you so goddamn much, I hate it." 

He went silent. "I.. I love you Y/N.." He said lowly, his voice husky. Everything went silent. She didn't say anything, so Sanemi thought it was rejection. "Just...forget everything I said"—The girl cut him off—"I'm willing to try it Sanemi-San.."

His eyes widened slightly. "What?" She looked up at him. "You heard me right, let's try it out. You seem like a good guy, so I'd like to try it out with you." She stated. Sanemi smiled, an actual smile for once. "Thanks Y/N.. now let's finish that mission, shall we?" 

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