Scenario: You being pregnant

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Tanjiro ❤️

•Would come behind you, holding your hands on your stomach with his

•Would NOT let you do anything

•Protective much

•"Hey babe, how are you feeling? Do you need anything?"

•Gentle with everything about you, kissing too

•Snuggles and kisses

•Head pats YES PLEASE

•When you wake up, Tanjiro has food and tea ready for you.

Zenitsu 💛

•So confused

•Snuggles you 24/7

•Lays on your stomach, talking to the unborn child

•"Baby girl, I think the baby will look just as beautiful as you are"

•Lets you wear haori

•Lets you lay on his lap 🥰

•Head pats

Inosuke 🐗💙

•More gentle with you

•"You are not going on any missions."

•Says sweet things about you in your ear

•Lets you wear boar mask

•Kisses your check or forehead

•Tells Zenitsu and Tanjiro to "GO AWAY YOU ASSHOLES"

Giyu 🌊

•Would come behind you, holding your hands on your stomach with his very much like Tanjiro

•More protective than before

•Won't let you go outside, Won't let you get outta bed, nothing.

•Gentle snuggles

•Kisses everywhere

•Tries to keep his wanting for pleasure to himself

•"I don't wanna lose another one I love. So please don't get hurt or anything"

Muichiro 🌫

•Snuggles you lots

•Makes sure you don't get hurt

•Very gentle

•Gets pissed at everyone who talks to you

•"You are staying here."

Sanemi 🍃


• Protective? Yes very 

•Idk why I think he would but he would carry your bridal style everywhere

• Does not let you get up, walk, sit up, get out of your bed, no nothing :)

•personality still the same, just erm. Less hardcore.

Okay I was thinking about deleting this chapter but I have pity for this one cuz how much you guys apparently like this- May 7, 2023

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