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Your  feet met with the cold ground as you walked outside from inside the Butterfly Mansion. You thought you were  the only one out there, but there was another person, a boy. He had a dark mohawk that was quite lengthy and seemingly a scar on his face. His eyes were fixed on the the white flowers that danced with the gentle wind. "Hey" You spoke up first, sitting down on a bench which was across from the bench he sat on. "Hi." He said, fixing his gaze on you. He's seen you around, so he knows a bit about you. "You're Y/N?" He asked, pointing his finger at you skeptically. You nodded your head gently, turning your head to look up. "I'm Genya." He introduced himself. The sky was beautiful, you thought there was an endless amount of stars. He had followed your gaze and looked up at the stars with you. "There must be a lot of stars." He observed, completely reading your mind. "Yeah, there's probably more than a million." You spoke, zoning out on the sky. 

"I wish it was always like this." You spoke quietly but audibly. Genya nodded along with your words. "Look." Genya pointed to a shooting star which you completely missed by a few seconds. "Did you wish?" Y/N asked with a short chuckle. He nodded, still looking at the stars. "What do you think of the final battle?" Genya suddenly asked. "I think it's great that demons are finally gone, but it did come at a cost. That cost being we lose many people in battle. Friends, family, comrades. I lost many of those." You sympathized with a sad smile. Genya nodded gently, sharing a sad smile with you. "Consider yourself lucky you survived that." He said with a short chuckle. I chuckled quietly, remarking his words. "You survived too, if you didn't, you wouldn't be here. No one else but the Corps is allowed here, so I'm guessing you were a Demon Slayer?" You inquired. "...Yeah, I was a Demon Slayer." He spoke with that sad smile, knowing very well on something you didn't. Days like this continued, you two both spending time talking, playing, or just watching the night sky.

But..that was two years ago, you haven't seen Genya since. The corps had defeated Muzan years ago, probably 3 years ago but now, a year after meeting Genya. It's like he disappeared into thin air. Over that time, you didn't tell anyone about your strange interaction with Genya. That is, until you bright it up to Tanjiro, a fellow comrade of yours. "Tanjiro-san, can I talk to you about something?" He nodded, giving me his warm and welcoming smile. "About two years ago, I met this boy named Genya. I was outside at night at the Butterfly Mansion, it'd been a year after the defeat of Muzan. I saw him outside with me, though the other few people were inside and asleep. We hung out together for a few months, but he then just disappeared into thin air... Do you have any information on Genya?" I inquired, sitting down beside the futon of his home shared with the others. Tanjiro's eyes showed sadness after my sentence was spoken. "Well...Genya lost his life in a battle with Kokushibu, upper rank 1. He died 3 years ago." Tanjiro let the truth out, confused on how you saw his comrade. Your eyebrows were furrowed, processing everything he explained. "I believe you, but I'm for sure I saw him." You muttered to him, holding your chin as you thought. 

"How long have you been a part of the Demon Slayer Corps?" He asked suddenly. "With you, I was in final selection with you, remember?" I remarked. Tanjiro's mouth made an O as he nodded, memories coming back to him. "I honestly don't know how I could explain it then, I'm sorry." Tanjiro gave you a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his neck. "No it's okay, but thank you though." Now that you think about it, you did remember seeing Genya, you've seen him at the Butterfly Mansion a few times, but you caught him in a gaze whilst looking at you countless times. You often brushed off the actions, not taking notice to them. You decided to return to the Butterfly Mansion when night fell. No one was there except you. The Butterfly Mansion was now not in use, for now I guess. You helped keep it clean with others who were once kakushi. You sat outside on a bench, fluttering your eyes shut as you thought about life. 

You opened your eyes, feeling a presence beside you. There, sat none other than the Genya. The Genya you haven't seen in two years. "Genya?" You gasped, placing a hand over your mouth in shock. "Y/N?" He parroted your words. Your eyes became glassy with tears as you saw him. "Where'd you go?" Was all you managed to stammer out. "Tanjiro told me about...about..You and Kokushibo.." You cried, knowing that he wasn't real at all. He cupped your cheeks, gaining the confidence to do so. "Remember that wish?" He asked. You nodded, wish your bottom lip trembling. "I wished for a second chance in life, God gave it to me." He smiled, as you felt his warm touch. "B-but, where'd you go that whole time?" Genya sighed at the question, facing the hard truth. "I woke up in the middle of a forest. I didn't know what to do so I wandered, which led me to Tokyo. I restarted there before I could come back. I was still getting used to being alive again there too. I am?" Genya shrugged with a sheepish smile painted on his face. 

You hugged him, hugged him tightly. "I missed those days, I waited for you to come back." You cried, muffled by his chest. He smiled gently, happy to see you again. He stood up, taking you up with him. As you calmed down as moved your head away from his chest, he looked down at you with his pale lavender eyes. "Hey." He said in a low, calm, and soft sounding voice. He tilted your head up with his finger gently. "I like you." "In what way of like?" 

"I like you more than a friend. The reason I chose to return to life with my wish was because of you. I want to spend time with you. When you saw me that night and on, it was because of a little bit of magic." He admitted, his eyes flickering between your eyes and lips. You chose to close in the space and make the move, pressing your lips against his. Your lips moved against his as you tilted your head to the side carefully. He smiled against your lips, he liked seeing this bold side of you. Your hands moved towards his lengthy hair, fingering at his hair and gently tugging when he hit a certain spot on your lips. His arms held both sides of your waist, gently massaging the sides. He gently took your bottom lip between his teeth and bit on it, causing a small gasp from your mouth. Before things got crazier, you pulled back. He had a small frown at the loss of contact. But when your gaze fixed on him, Genya was staring dead straight into your eyes. "I made the right choice to make that wish." Genya said, smiling. A real smile. "We should get going." You advised, intertwining your fingers with his. "And you won't disappear into thin air again?" You added, skeptically looking at him. He chuckled at your question, answering it simply. "I won't, not without you." 

"I love you." Genya suddenly blurted out. You smiled at his comment, replying back. "I love you too." He pecked your lips before continuing the walk. 

OMG, Genya soft hours??? 🥺☺️ oh yeah, and there may be a few more updates today!!! 

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