Zenitsu~Hater's Gonna Hate

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You opened the door to your new dorm, seeing a familiar hated yellow haired boy. You groaned at the horrifyingly, ugly, and terrifying sight, he just smirked. "This'll be fun." He muttered, watching you roll your eyes. "Seriously of all people." You grumbled angrily, placing your stuff in your room. You walked out of the room again, seeing Zenitsu sitting on the couch. "I'm going to the library, FYI." You said, looking at him with a glare. He just nodded his head before you left. At the library, you picked up a few books and checked them out. When you returned to the dorm, quiet snores were heard. You looked around and saw the boy asleep on the couch. One thing though, he had YOUR blanket. How dare he take it from you, he has the audacity to take it. I looked at the plug that had his phone on his personal charger. You grinned evilly, knowing exactly what you were gonna do.


"Y/N-SAN!!!" Zenitsu shouted your name. He busted in your room like the FBI as his eyes burned holes in your head. "What?" You inquired with a smug smirk. "You know exactly 'what'" He narrowed his eyes at you as he hissed his words out. "You took my blanket, it's only fair Agatsuma-San." You shrugged, grinning at his annoyance. Zenitsu had a frown plastered on his face, he was obviously angry at you. You were pretty sure he had anger issues, though he was popular around the college campus. "THAT'S ZENITSU-SAN TO YOU Y/N L/N!" He shouted with a pout as he left. You let out a snicker at him, you enjoyed seeing him angry at you. He didn't even take his charger back. You opened your room door and shuffled to the kitchen and placed his charger on the table before speaking. "I'm gonna get going. Tanjiro-san is tutoring me. I'll be back later." You shouted asyou grabbed your laptop and a few textbooks from classes. "Bye." You said shortly. "Bye I guess." Zenitsu said monotoned. 

You left the dorm and went to a café where me and Tanjiro were gonna meet. You sat at a table before seeing a burgundy haired boy walk in and lock eyes with you. "Hey Y/N, how are you this afternoon?" He greeted you with a warming smile. "Could be better but good, how about you?" "I'm good, what's wrong?" He inquired with a worried expression on his face. "Zenitsu's my roommate in my dorm." You let out with a sigh. Tanjiro shook his head gently before speaking. "You two absolutely hate each other." He chuckled, knowing that we bicker a lot. "Me and Zenitsu are good friends, he doesn't like you from what I know." "I don't know what's up between us, it's just like that." You shrugged. "Shall we start on the tutoring before we get off topic?" He suggested which you nodded to. After a bit of tutoring, you hissed at yourself. "Shit." "Something wrong?" "Yeah, forgot my phone." You murmured. Tanjiro nodded at you. "You can go and get your phone, I don't mind waiting." He excused you. "Thank you Tanjiro-san." You then left the café, going to your dorm.

You came back to the dorm seeing Zenitsu sitting in the couch whilst watching TV. You only came back because you forgot your phone, that's it. "Zenitsu-san, have you seen my phone?" "No, why?" "I left it here on accident, have you seen it?" Zenitsu sat silently, then spoke up. "I haven't but you should really take care of your stuff better. Did you leave it on the kitchen counter like you do everyday" You clinched your jaw at his sudden comment as you snapped at him. "What's your problem with me??? You're like this all the time! What the hell do you want??" Zenitsu's face darkened at my words. "MY problem?? What's YOUR problem with me?? " You immediately bit back at him. "I NEVER HAD A PROBLEM WITH YOU, YOU BEGAN TO HATE ME SO MY ONLY CHOICE WAS TO HATE YOU BACK, OKAY?!?" "..."

"I never said I hated you." Zenitsu murmured with his head down. "...your phone's on the table." He said quietly. You took it and left after you spoke a few words to him. "Then what do you feel towards me.?" When you got back to the café, Tanjiro was drinking coffee whilst reading a book. "Find your phone?" He asked. You nodded back, still a little angry. "Something happen between you two?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "..yeah." "Tell me about." He inquired, interested in the topic. "I came to the dorm and asked him if he knew where my phone was, and that question turned into a personal attack. I then snapped at him, but he said he never said he hated me. I'm just confused now.." You explained, a frown on your face. Tanjiro nodded his head a bit, taking in all the information. "Maybe he likes you, like in those movies?" He suggested. You shook your head quickly. "I doubt it." 


You returned to dorm, seeing Zenitsu was no where in sight. You whispered a small "yes!" As you were happy. But that excitement didn't last long without the fact Zenitsu came in, sweaty and tired. He had gone to the gym, he didn't have anything else to do so he went there. You expected the worst from him but he just went to his room, not taking a glance at you. You raised a brow, that was unusual. You then sat on the couch and turned on the TV, watching a movie that was put on one of the channels. Later, about 30 minutes later, you heard footsteps coming from the boy's room. You mentally prepared yourself for the worse, but he only came out of his room with a blanket, sat on the couch with you and snuggled up in his blanket as he sat up. You glanced at him before speaking. "Tired?" You asked. He nodded, silently watching the movie with you. A smile tugged at your lips, he wasn't the usual angry dandelion he was, he was somewhat...Sweet? He shuffled himself closer to you, which you didn't take notice to until he held your hand, intertwining your fingers together. You didn't say anything, you were lost of words. You could only smile as the yellow haired boy sat there in silence, holding your hand. 

A/N: I thought about doing Inosuke for this one but he just didn't feel right and it felt like he wouldn't be the one to hold your hand first so I changed it to Zenitsu instead 😊                       BTW: If your a BTS fan (I highly doubt anyone is except me) I'm starting a few BTS FFs that'll be published in weeks to come, so if you're interested then they'll be coming out!!

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