🔎 : Steve, Robin and Dustin's s letters

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Steve. Lover boy.

   I have rewritten this thing over five different times. Trying to reword things, make sense of thoughts. I don't know why but this was the hardest letter.aybe it's because there is so much left unsaid between us. So I'm hoping that you can make sense of my ramblings.

   When we first started hanging out, I thought you were just Nancy's douchebag boyfriend who used way too much hair product and cared too much about what other people thought. And then you helped us fight a monster. Then you were a little less of a douche, still used way too much hair product.

   Then there was that shit with the demodogs and suddenly I realized that I had fallen for you. I don't think I noticed it, but looking back I realize that I had been falling for you since we started being friends.

   If I pinpoint the first moment it started to be real, to sink in, it would be the day that you brought me a coffee and took me on a drive to skull rock. That would be the first moment that I started to have feelings for you. Noticeable ones atleast.

   I love you, Steve. Despite everything, I couldn't stop loving you. I said I gave up, but I don't think that's the truth. I think there is a small part of me that held out hope that we would end up back together. But that doesn't matter now.

  I wish I could show you my mind. All the important memories in my head. The things that I would think of to push Vecna out. Because most of them have you in them.

   I want you to take care of those kids. They need their babysitter/mom, more than ever now. Even if they try to push you away, don't let them.

   I love you,



   Stop. Take a deep breath before you continue reading this. I know this isn't what you wanted. It isn't what I wanted but it's the outcome we got.

   If I could go back in time, to the day where we started translating Russian, I'd tell you to run. Stay away from us. You didn't need to know about the borrows that happen in Hawkins. I highly doubt you would have listened though, you still would have begged to listen to the tape and I would have given in.

  Thank you. For being my best friend, my soulmate. Thank you for the laughs and the memories that I will cherish forever. Thank you for the best friendship I ever had.

    Please take care of Dustin and Steve for me. Don't let them blame themselves for not being able to save me, don't blame yourself either. Just make sure that the Scoops Troop lives on.

   Stay safe for me. I love you.




  Dear Dustin,

      Knowing you, you're gonna read this whether I live or die. So if I'm still there, please stop reading. Don't do this to yourself.

   If you continue then. . . I'm so sorry.

   Please know that you are the best little brother I could have asked for. I am so proud of who you are and who you are becoming. You're my genius and bestest friend. Have been since you were born.

   Please don't blame yourself for this. There was nothing any of us could of done. We o ly knew how to delay Vecna, not stop him. Just know that I didn't go out quietly. I kicked and hopefully punched Vecna in his noseless douchey face.

   Don't push them away. The party, Steve, Robin, Eddie, Mom, Suzie. Don't try and pretend that everything is fine or that you are okay when we both know that's a lie. You're not okay and they are in the exact same boat.

   Whatever happens. . . Do not go after Vecna alone. Don't go near him at all. Stay safe, stay out of trouble.

   I love you,

       Your annoying older sister.

A/n: since I wrote out all of the letters Liza would have given I decided to share them with you. They will be posted in clusters of three.

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