🖤What if: Liza chose Eddie

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Eddie knew he needed to talk to Liza. He had his talk with Steve, laid out his plan to the boy and gave his blessing. However, as far as he knew, the blonde was still operating under the impression that after everything was over that they would still be the same. He wondered if she expected him to finally make them official.

He also knew it was a possibility that even if he told her that he was going to step aside, that she should be with Steve, she could tell him that he was crazy to think that she would. Liza could very well still choose him when presented with the option. He wasn't going to dwell on that though. Hope was a fickle thing when it came to things like this and if he had learned anything in life, it was that hope was for little kids and dreamers.

"Witch, can we talk?" Eddie broke the silence once she had finished her cigarette.

"We are talking right now." Liza bumped her shoulder against his. She expected him to laugh, but he didn't. Looking at him, she saw the serious expression on his face and realised that he wasn't in a joking mood. Her heart plummeted, she knew this was going to happen. "Oh, no. Is this the part where you break up with me?"

"Can't break up with you if we were never officially together, doll." Eddie licked at his lips nervously before turning to look at her. "When we were in that place, I talked to Harrington."

"And you lived to tell the tale?" Eddie sent her a stern look which made Liza cringe. "Right, sorry."

  "When we were talking I told him that I had made a decision. To step away. To remove myself from this triangle that we have gotten caught in." Eddie wrinkled his nose. "I want you to be happy and while I know that you are happy with me. You are happier with Steve. You need him." Eddie watched Liza for her reaction to his words.

Liza stared at Eddie for a few seconds, waiting for him to say it was a joke. She blinked a few times before she shook her head. Was he genuinely trying to set her back up with Steve? Did these last nine months mean nothing to him? Was this his way of ending things so he didn't actually break her heart? The questions kept coming at her a million miles per second and she had to shake her head to push them aside.

"And what gave you that impression?" Liza asked, her brows knitted together.

"Seeing you guys interact? You jumping off the boat after him, running to his side when he got hurt? Is any of this ringing a bell?" Eddie was confused now, why was she acting so odd about it?

"I can see where you got it now, but you're very wrong." Liza scoffed. She supposed she had made it seem as if her feelings for Steve were still there and that was a mistake on her part.

"Don't lie to me Liza! I can see it! You miss him!" Eddie stood, pointing towards the Mayfield trailer where the others were. "Why won't you let me let you be happy!"

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