🔎🖤 : The first show

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Liza sat in her usual seat between Gareth and Eddie, barely paying attention to the conversation as she played with the latter's fingers. It was usually an anxious habit but now that they had begun their not-actual-relationship, it was just something she did sometimes because she loved his hands. She was spaced out, staring at Eddie as he spoke to their friends. Every so often, she would register him glancing over at her, a small grin on his face as he winked at her before jumping back into whatever topic the boys were on. The next time Eddie looked at Liza, it was different. Like he was waiting for her to answer.

Huh? Sorry, I didn't hear you.” Liza stated, a sheepish grin on her face.

“Of course you weren't.” Gareth chuckled. “You were too busy gazing lovingly at your man.”

“Damn right I'm her man.” Eddie wagged his brows at Liza who snorted, amused by his pride. “But back to the question. What are you doing tomorrow night?”

“Tomorrow? Uh, probably nothing.” Liza furrowed her brows, confused on where this was going.

“Do you wanna come see us play at the Hideout?” Eddie asked, bringing Liza's hand up to place a kiss to the back of it to mask his nerves.

“Really?” Liza asked, her confusion melting into excitement and shock.

In all the time that Liza had been friends with Eddie and the boys, she had never been to see them play. They had never asked her but to be fair, she hadn't asked either. She was always scared that if she tried to insert herself into every aspect of their life, they would get annoyed with her. She was already with them at lunches and Hellfire, even some of their hangouts outside of school, going to one of their shows felt like too much. She had always wanted to see them play, any chance to support her friends was like gold to her. 

“Yes, really.” Eddie nodded, finding her excitement adorable.

“I'd love to!” Liza beamed, leaning against Eddie.

“Can we come?” Dustin asked, pointing to himself and Mike.

“No can do, Little Henderson. Wheeler.” Eddie shook his head. Liza hid her smile by pressing her face into Eddie's shoulder, her eyes peeking over at her brother. It seemed like Mike had accepted defeat but not Dustin.

“Why not! We're just as much a part of this friend group as Liza!” Dustin argued, crossing his arms. “You guys wouldn't even know each other if we weren't part of it!”

“Well first of all, you're wrong.” Eddie chuckled, glancing back at Liza when she giggled. The sound vibrating through his shoulder. “I met Liza in her freshman year, also, you literally saw us when I dropped her off during the summer.”

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