🔎🖤 : Liza being Max's safe place

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   Liza laid on her bed, eyes locked on to the Lord of the Rings book she was trying to finish when she heard a knock on her window

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Liza laid on her bed, eyes locked on to the Lord of the Rings book she was trying to finish when she heard a knock on her window. She knew it couldn't of been Dustin as he was miles away at Camp Know Where, Mike was with Eleven, Lucas was at home because he was grounded and a glance to the clock told her it was too early to be either Robin or Steve as they were closing Scoops Ahoy tonight. That meant it could only be one person on the other side of her window and the implications of that made her heart drop.

Liza practically sprinted the short distance from her bed to the window, throwing open the curtains to see Max Mayfield on the other side of the glass. The ginger stared back at the older girl with wide eyes and seemed to be shaking. Liza slid open her window and moved out of the way so Max could climb in. The ginger fumbled slightly as she placed her feet on the ground but straightened herself out.

"I'm sorry for coming here but I didn't know where else to go a-and I just really needed to get out." Max spoke while looking down at her shoes, shifting her weight from foot to foot. "Can I maybe stay here for the night?"

"Of course you can, spitfire." Liza smiled softly. She saw that Max hadn't even brought a bag, that meant wherever she had been, she had left quickly. The blonde went over to her dresser and grabbed a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt then handed them to Max. "I'll go so you can change. I'll be in the kitchen calling Steve if you need me."

"Uh, was he supposed to come here tonight?" Max asked, playing with the edge of the shirt in her hand.

"Yeah, he was but I'm gonna tell him to just go home. Don't worry, it'll just be us." Liza reassured the girl, she didn't want Max to feel uncomfortable.

"Actually, I think I'd be okay if he was here aswell. Is he at Scoops?" Max asked. Liza smiled at the girl and nodded. "Do you think he could maybe bring us food? I didn't exactly get to eat supper before I left home and I could really go for some Chinese."

"Of course I can. I'll be back." Liza shut the door behind her as she left.

She was thankful that her mother had gone to Indianapolis for the next two weeks to visit her aunt because explaining why Max was here would have been hard when she wasn't even sure what had happened. Liza could only assume it was either Billy or Neil.

Entering the kitchen Liza put on the kettle, then she grabbed the phone and dialed the number for Scoops Ahoy. It rang only three times before the fake cheery voice of her best friend came through on the other end.

"Scoops Ahoy, this is Robin speaking!"

"Robert, I need to talk to Steve." Liza hopped up to sit on the counter as she stuck the phone between her ear and shoulder.

"Just one second. Dingus! You're better half is on the phone!" Robin yelled.

Liza chuckled as she heard the door to the backroom slam open and the brief argument between Steve and Robin. Someone yelped as more shuffling was heard and Liza could only assume that Robin had hurt Steve in some way.

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