🔎🖤 : Bikers and Leather

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Sprinting down the halls of Hawkins High, Liza tried her hardest to find her best friend. She had been up late the night before, going through all of her clothes to find an outfit for Corroded Coffin's first paid gig - and first gig since she became their official manager - and everything she tried on she hated. The last time she went through this, Robin came to her rescue and created an outfit in seconds. Which was precisely what she needed right now, as she felt like a lost cause.

It was harder for Liza to find Robin than she thought it would be. She was beginning to wonder if her friend had stayed home sick, or worse, was still with Steve. She had managed to go this long without having to interact with him and she didn't want to start now, especially when she had an Eddie related problem. She skidded to a halt in the middle of the English hallway, Liza was ready to give up but her prayers were answered when she saw Robin heading into a classroom.

"Robert!" Liza yelled, pushing past a group of football players to reach her friend.

"Jesus, Leroy!" Robin laughed as she looked at her friend. "You look like you just ran a marathon."

"Because I just ran around this entire hellhole to find you." Liza panted, holding up a finger to Robin to signal she needed a moment. Once she was sure she could speak without sounding out of breath, she continued. "I need your help after school."

"I thought you had that biker thing for Eddie's band after school?" Robin furrowed her brows.

"I do, that's why I need your help." Liza stated, glaring at a girl who bumped into her. "I can't figure out what to wear and I'd love you forever if you helped me."

"You already do love me forever. Soulmates, remember?" Robin held up her pinky, which Liza linked hers to. "But it is my duty as your soulmate to help you in all aspects of your life, even if it's something as trivial as clothes."

"We've gone through hell, clothes are an easy target for us." Liza chuckled, wrinkling her nose at the girl. "You're the best, like seriously the best."

"I know I am." Robin beamed.


After school, Liza sat on her bed and watched as Robin dug through the drawers of her dresser. She wasn't quite sure why, considering the girl had gone through her clothes and even borrowed some of them to know what she owned. She figured she shouldn't question it out loud, otherwise she could derail the whole operation. Instead she listened as Robin rambled on about her day, giving little acknowledgements that she was following along.

Her brows knitted together with confusion as Robin crouched down, opening the bottom left drawer. It was filled with clothes that the blonde had bought or been given and had worn once or never even touched. Which was why she was confused as to why her friend was digging through that exact drawer. She was going to stay quiet about it until Robin pulled out a third dress.

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